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Swine flu

Swine flu fearmongering?

Some say warnings about a devastating global epidemic were overhyped by the government and media. Full story

Expert: Swine flu could mix with bird flu
Interactive map: Cases around the world
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Face transplant patient forgives man who shot her

For 46-year-old Connie Culp, it was the smell of soap that made her realize her new face was working. Full story

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Recession wrecked my cholesterol

Over the past year — while  trying to save bucks by eating cheap — my cholesterol chugged 46 points higher. Call it the Dollar Menu disease. Full story

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Pet health

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Meet Chanel: Almost 21, the world’s oldest dog

They say every dog has its day, but this one has had more than most: Chanel, a dachshund mix, is approaching her 21st birthday (that’s 120 in human years, says her vet). And though she wears “doggles” for cataracts and gets cold easily, there’s life in the old dog yet.

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