Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Concealed Threats in Liquids

Ground-breaking MagViz device aids faster, accurate airport screening

Fuel Cells Transform Cars

Highly efficient vehicles with no polluting emissions

Safer Soil and Water

Computer model predicts underground substance flow

Curing Aids

HIV research fights pandemic that already killed 25 million people

Nanolayering Improves Materials

Stronger, lighter materials increase security and efficiency

A Mind of Its Own

RAPTOR telescope acts alone, unlocking the universe for astronomers

Stimulus funds help demolish Cold War-era buildings


News Home

National Security Sciences Building (NSSB)

Seasonal restrictions for projects in sensitive habitat began March 1. The Laboratory manages habitat for threatened or endangered species like the spotted owl.

LANL in the News

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  • Quantum dots that don't blink
    13 May 2009
    • A team of scientists has synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots, that are "nonblinking," in that they emit light steadily. Such behavior has long been a goal of scientists working with quantum dots and should improve the usefulness of the nanocrystals for biological labeling applications by increasing the number of photons the particles emit.
  • Destroying the tie that binds
    4 May 2009
    • Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers have discovered a potential chink in the armor of fibers that make the cell walls of certain inedible plant materials so tough. The insight ultimately could lead to a cost-effective and energy-efficient strategy for turning biomass into alternative fuels.
  • DOE awards Los Alamos, Sandia for sustainability
    4 May 2009
    • WASHINGTON (AP) - The Department of Energy has recognized two national laboratories in New Mexico for their environmentally sustainable practices. The National Nuclear Security Administration says Los Alamos and Sandia laboratories and six other projects nationwide were presented with EStar...
  • First genetic analysis of swine flu reveals potency
    1 May 2009
    • The H1N1 flu continues to spread around the world, with cases now confirmed from more than a dozen countries, from Hong Kong to Canada. Yet the first genetic analysis of how well this virus transmits from person to person concludes that it spreads barely well enough to keep itself...
  • First large-scale computer simulation of gene therapy
    30 Apr 2009
    • A group of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Los Alamos National Laboratory have completed the first comprehensive, molecular-level numerical study of gene therapy. Their work should help scientists design new experimental gene therapies and possibly solve some of the problems associated with this promising technique.

News Release

Stimulus Communication Center

Stimulus Communication Center

Strategic Science


The Laboratory's mission is to develop and apply science and technology to

  • Ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent;
  • Reduce global threats; and
  • Solve other emerging national security challenges.

Year in Review 2007-2008

  • As an innovator in the world of science, technology, and engineering, the Laboratory has made achievements that focus on safety, security, environmental stewardship, nuclear deterrence, threat reduction, operations, communications, and community involvement.
  • Year in Review achievements

CMRR Gets a New Home

  • Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project aims to relocate several mission critical projects—analytical chemistry, materials characterization, and actinide research and development capabilities—to a newer facility.
  • Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project will relocate several mission critical projects to a newer facility.

CMRR ProjectThe Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Facility (CMRR) Project has launched a website for informational and planning purposes, as a market research tool to determine the availability and adequacy of potential business sources before issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP). This is not a request for proposals or solicitation.

The project is seeking enclosure fabricators that can meet the Quality Assurance requirements of DOE Order 414.1C, Quality Assurance and 10CFR830, Subpart A, Nuclear Safety: Quality Assurance Requirements, using NQA-1-2000, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications as the basis of its Quality Assurance Program. Click here for more information.
Posted 07.09.08


Products and Services Procured by the Laboratory

The Laboratory procures nearly $1 billion in products and services annually. This list is representative of what the Lab procures.

  • Research & Development Studies
  • Facility Construction & Architectural/ Engineering Services
  • Equipment - Maintenance & Repair
  • Support Services & Staff Augmentation
  • Mechanical/Electronic Fabrication
  • Commercial Products & Services
  • Environmental Restoration

For more information:
Small Business Office
T: (505) 667-4419
Fax: (505) 667-9819

Business Resource Guide

This guide is for New Mexico businesses and community organizations interested in identifying resources to improve their businesses or organization. The resource guide is divided into two major sections, Government Contracting and Business Resources.

Science on Wheels

  • In 2008-09, the Bradbury Science Museum returns with more free, hands-on science activities brought to your school. Each student in your classroom is an active participant in these activities using science equipment provided by the museum and guided by museum staff.
  • Bringing science to schools, Bradbury Science Museum

Math & Science Academy empowers teachers across New Mexico

  • Math & Science Academy, a teacher professional development program, focuses on standards-based education using the most recent research-based concepts and instructional strategies.
  • Emphasis is placed on assessment and data analysis, and technology is integrated at every level. Collaboration among participants is stressed.
  • The program is unique because it was developed to address comprehensively the complex and challenging issues of teaching and learning. Student achievement is increased by improving teacher practice. Read more...

Meet a LANL Grad Student

Armanda Roco was chosen for a summer internship at Los Alamos National Laboratory where she is putting her classroom studies to use by conducting biological research.

Graduate student Armanada Roco

Los Alamos National Laboratory offers a work environment to students, postdoctoral appointees, career employees, and contractor (staff augmentation) personnel in which individuals are inspired by, and rewarded for, tackling the toughest challenges facing our nation and the world. (Check out more about LANL science, goals, and national security on the 'About LANL' tab.)

In return for their individual and collective contributions, LANL employees are rewarded with a highly competitive pay and benefits structure; an intellectually stimulating, fair, and safe work environment; exciting professional development opportunities; and an institutionalized recognition of the importance of work-life balance.

Girl looking through a microscope

Life in Los Alamos 1943

Created in 1943 as part of World War II's Manhattan Project, the Laboratory was designated a Registered National Historic Landmark in 1966. Today, LANL remains not only an exciting place to work, but a great place to collaborate and network with scientists, researchers, and other experts from around the world.

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Proposed Stimulus Projects at LANL

  • Stimulus - Recovery Act 2009Los Alamos National Laboratory applied for funding for a number of projects. Four projects are in advanced proposal stage. Pending acceptance and funding we will continue to post news and information to this website.

LANL Environmental Surveillance Report out

  • The LANL Environmental Surveillance Report is compiled annually and provides the most comprehensive, consolidated "report card" on environmental conditions site-wide at LANL.

Moving Technology to Market

  • The Laboratory's Technology Transfer Division helps move technologies from the Lab to the marketplace to benefit society and the U.S. economy.
  • We do this by ensuring that Laboratory inventions receive intellectual property protection, which enables us to license Los Alamos technologies to industry and start-up companies.
  • As the Laboratory's liaison with industry, we also manage Lab-industry research partnerships and serve as the Laboratory's resource on industry relations.

Laboratory Technologies Capture Prestigious R&D 100 Awards

  • Cutting-edge innovations garnered Los Alamos researchers two of R&D Magazineâ•˙s prestigious R&D 100 Awards.
  • The awards, which will be presented October 16 in Chicago, recognize the top 100 industrial innovations worldwide in 2008.
  • Winning Laboratory projects are the 3-D Tracking Microscope and Laser-Weave technology.
Laser-weave technology wins a Research and Development Magazine award

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