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U.S. Election Assistance Commission

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Secretary of State, State Capitol, Room 026
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-3419 FAX (501) 682-3408
Voter Hotline:  1-800-482-1127



Voter Registration Information
Registration Form(s) Accepted Federal, State
Register to vote using the National Voter Registration Form
In-Person Registration Deadline
October 06, 2008
By Mail Registration Deadline
October 06, 2008
30 days before the election.
Absentee Voting
Absentee Voting No Excuse Required
Absentee Voting Application Deadline
October 28, 2008
Received October 28, 2008 (by mail); Received by close of business day November 3, 2008 (in person)
Absentee Voting Submission Deadline
November 04, 2008
Received 7:30pm election day
Absentee Voting Additional Information
Absentee Voting Conditions No excuse required. To be qualified to vote an absentee ballot, you must meet one of the following criteria: You will be unavoidably absent from your polling site on election day (the law does not require you to give a reason), or you will be unable to attend the polls on election day because of illness or physical disability
Early Voting
Early Voting Permitted
Early Voting Begins
October 20, 2008
Early Voting Ends
November 03, 2008
Early Voting Additional Information No excuse required. Early voting shall be available to any qualified elector who applies to the county clerk's designated early voting location, beginning fifteen (15) days before the election
Early Voting Conditions URL
Provisional Voting
Provisional Voting Verification Website
Provisional Voting Verification Phone
Military and Overseas Citizens
Military and Overseas Citizen Registration Deadline
October 28, 2008
Military and Overseas Citizen Ballot Request Deadline
October 28, 2008
Military and Overseas Citizen Ballot Return Deadline
November 14, 2008
Military and Overseas Citizen Mailing Address Lookup
Polling Places
Polling Place Hours 7:30 am. - 7:30 pm.
Polling Place Locator URL
Voters Guide
Voters Guide URL