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Knowledge Management Support

Connecting People — Working Smarter — Getting Results

USAID's strength is derived from our rich field experience and extensive knowledge of development issues. Managing our knowledge as a critical asset allows us to improve strategy, operations, and results.

What is Knowledge Management (KM)

USAID created the Knowledge Management Program to connect people with what and who they need to know to “work smarter” in concert with others to accomplish USAID’s mission. KM helps people adapt to rapidly changing events, policies, and strategies by making information and experience easy to find and use for informed decisions and actions.

KM Strategic Framework

The KM Strategic Framework organizes activities by their impact knowledge generation, knowledge capture, knowledge sharing, and knowledge application.

KM Strategic Framework

What KM does

  • Provides timely, accurate, accessible information
  • Improves capture of USAID experience
  • Applies lessons and replicates successes to achieve results more efficiently
  • Retains and shares institutional memory

Appropriate use of online collaboration tools can help realize larger KM goals. The USAID Online Collaboration Guidance and Questionnaire [MS Word, 285kb] facilitates development of a cohesive online collaboration strategy and helps the KM team to guide users towards appropriate technology solutions. You may need Microsoft Word Viewer to download and view the file.

Why KM is important

USAID is one of the world’s premier development agencies, known for its rich international development experience. Its people work worldwide, generating knowledge and requiring timely information wherever they are. USAID’s knowledge can be found in reports in a mission in Zagreb, in databases in Cairo, in the expertise and skills of a Honduran employee, or in the head of an employee in Washington. This knowledge can be lost as people move from one post to another within the organization or as someone retires. KM supports the capturing and sharing of this experience that is so important for continued success.

Who we are

USAID's Knowledge Management Program is based in the Management Bureau, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Knowledge Management Division. A Knowledge Management Reference Group made up of representatives from USAID Bureaus meets on a monthly basis with sub-working groups meeting throughout the month. The purpose of the USAID KM Reference Group is to obtain Agency-wide input on USAID's Knowledge Management Program.

Contact the KM Team to obtain more information, provide feedback, request KM services, or share your knowledge:



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Washington, DC 20523


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