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Map of Lebanon and surrounding region.

Date of independence: 1943
Population: 4.1 million (2007)
Income per person: $5,770 (yr)
Source: World Development Indicators 2007


Mission Director

Denise A. Herbol
U.S. Embassy
Awkwar, Lebanon
Tel: 961-4-544-251

Lebanon Desk Officer
Elaine Scott
Tel: (202) 712-0404

Children at the Infant Welfare Society in Zahle, Lebanon
Mission Director Denise A. Herbol poses with children at the Infant Welfare Society in Zahle.  The school received a grant from USAID to renovate the kitchen. (Photo: USAID)


Civil war engulfed Lebanon from 1975 until 1991, resulting in the destruction of much of the country and the economy.  The war in the summer of 2006 further exacerbated the situation.  Legislative elections held in June 2005 created opportunities to engage with Lebanon’s sovereign politically elected government.  USAID programs support Lebanon as a stable and prosperous partner in achieving regional peace and a strong global economy.  Activities cover a wide range of objectives, including economic growth, agriculture, good governance, education, environment, water resource management, and reconstruction.  USAID’s program in fiscal year 2008 is valued at $44.6 million and is estimated to grow to $67.5 million in fiscal year 2009.


Economic Growth
To create jobs, USAID works in agribusiness, information and communications technology, and rural tourism.  This includes creating links among businesses across the value chain, from production to distribution.  Through a new cooperative in the South, the first of its kind worldwide, USAID helps landmine and war survivors lead productive lives.  USAID has also increased opportunities in its activities for people with disabilities.

A $250 million cash transfer program, part of a $300 million supplemental funding package, will bring progress toward fiscal balance, which is essential to economic stability in Lebanon.  The program is based on the Government of Lebanon’s economic reform plan and is supported by the International Monetary Fund.  The remaining $50 million enabled the continuation of the school repair program, scholarships to American educational institutions, and governance programs.

Governing Justly and Democratically
USAID provides assistance and training to municipalities to help them serve their constituents better, encourage democratic practices, and promote respect for the rule of law.  The program helps municipalities carry out or support programs that increase citizen participation, employment and incomes, and private sector investments.  These efforts contribute to a successful democratic transition, a key U.S. government objective in Lebanon and the region.  Nationally, USAID assists the Lebanese Parliament in creating a more accountable and effective legislative institution.  A new program helps strengthen the independence of the judiciary and access to justice, and small grants encourage an active civil society.

Investing In People
USAID provides scholarships at five American educational institutions in Lebanon.  USAID also repairs schools, provides school equipment, and offers awareness training and extracurricular activities to public schools.  A professional training program offers a quick year-round way to deliver training to individuals working to strengthen their skills and organizations.

USAID is establishing solid waste treatment plants in Jbeil, Zahle, and Tyr.  In three districts, USAID also launched 24 community-based wastewater treatment facilities.  These benefit more than 53,000 people.  To reduce pollution of the Litani River, USAID has developed designs for seven larger community-based wastewater treatment plants.  Two facilities – Aitanit/Qaraoun and Fourzol – will be completed by December 2008, and two more – Chmistar and Ablah – are in preparation.  About 50,000 people in the Bekaa Valley will benefit from these facilities. 

To improve water management, USAID works with two water and wastewater establishments to develop new management and analytical tools, including a five-year business plan, a financial cost recovery model, and a financial accounting system.  USAID also funded the oil spill response that cleaned 43 sites along 60 kilometers of coastline in northern Lebanon in coordination with the Ministry of Environment.  In addition, USAID works with government and community organizations to increase awareness of environmental issues.

Humanitarian Assistance
As part of its reconstruction efforts, USAID is rebuilding the Mudeirej Bridge. The bridge is a vital link for transport between Beirut and the Bekaa Valley. The northern span of this two-way bridge is scheduled to be completed by December 2008, and the southern span in late 2009.

Another program supports local inter-confessional cooperation as well as the expansion of small and medium enterprises and other programs.

Following the summer 2006 conflict, USAID responded quickly to bring urgently needed humanitarian relief to the people of Lebanon.  USAID provided fuel, shelter, food, and water to the Lebanese people.  USAID dispatched 25,000 metric tons of wheat to Lebanon to ensure an uninterrupted supply of food.  USAID is working with the Government of Lebanon to finalize agricultural programs supported through the sale of the wheat.

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