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Language Accessibility Program

The EAC's Language Accessibility Program was developed in accordance with HAVA's instruction to study and promote methods of ensuring the accessibility of voting, registration, polling places, and voting equipment to all voters. The EAC is also responsible for examining the feasibility of providing voting materials in eight or more languages for voters who speak those languages and who have limited English proficiency. Materials issued by the Language Accessibility Program are the result of collaboration among working groups comprised of election officials, advocacy groups and research and public policy organizations. 

Below are glossaries of election terms in six languages. Sections of the EAC Web site have also been translated into these six languages. Also available are voter's guides in these languages -- go here. To request a printed or electronic copies of the glossaries below or for questions about the program, contact EAC toll free at 866-747-1471. NOTE: These resources are available at no cost.