how can you help: deliver the cure

Deliver The Cure Campaign

The next three minutes of your life could determine whether or not a child ever has the chance to fully live his or hers.

Every single day, almost 70 children in our world’s poorest nations are diagnosed with leprosy. If left untreated, these children are at serious risk of crippling deformities and facial disfigurement.

But that’s just the beginning.

Untreated, leprosy can also mean permanent banishment by neighbors and family. These children are condemned to live apart from their friends and loved ones at the time when they need them most.

It does NOT have to be this way. We are able to deliver the cure for leprosy.

Give Now.

Just consider Chahhya. Today, she’s the top nursing student in her class — but her future wasn’t always so bright. When she was just a girl, Chahhya was diagnosed with leprosy. She didn’t only have to deal with the growing physical difficulties of the disease — she also faced cruelty from her neighbors. She describes the challenge: “People in the village used to tell my family that we should be thrown out. I used to cry a lot and I still think about those days.”

ChahhyaToday, thanks to generous friends like you, everything is different: this beautiful young woman not only has her hope restored — she is committed to caring for others too. In her spare time, Chahhya volunteers in her local nursing ward, to encourage other young people struggling with similar trials!

That’s the kind of impact you can have when you give to American Leprosy Missions. In fact, you can deliver a complete cure to a child with leprosy for only $300. Your gift will help us locate people suffering from leprosy and deliver the first critical round of medication and 6-12 months of subsequent medication, any necessary surgery, wound care and hospitalization, and follow-up instruction to keep patients from re-injuring skin made vulnerable by their leprosy.

$300 offers a complete cure. Of course, whatever you feel led to give — whether more or less — is deeply appreciated, and will change forever the lives of children suffering from leprosy.

I know you understand the urgency, so I hope you will respond as quickly and as generously as possible, because we face a major challenge ahead:

American Leprosy Missions has set a goal to deliver the cure to 25,000 people this year — a big increase over 2007. I’m praying that caring, generous friends like you will commit to beating back this horrible plague from the earth, until it is eradicated altogether.

So please, give today and change the life of a child with leprosy forever. Words alone can never express the difference you make.

Thank you and God bless you!
Serving Him,

Christopher J. Doyle
Christopher J. Doyle
President, American Leprosy Missions

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