our projects: nepal


The small independent kingdom of Nepal is located along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain range between India and the Tibet Antonomous Region in China. Slightly larger than Arkansas. Nepal is home to Mt. Everest, the world's highest mountain peak.

When you go sight-seeing in Kathmandu, be sure to visit the bead market. You will be rewarded with a rainbow of colors.

Your Nepali friends will greet you with a gracious and respectful namaste as they put their hands together, as for prayer, and bow their heads slightly. Soon you will learn to say namaste.

alm connections

Green Pastures Hospital in Pokhara is a special place where people with leprosy complications find medicine for their bodies and loving care for their spirits. ALM assists the work of Green Pastures Hospital.

In any given month the physio/occupational therapy department at ALM-assisted Green Pastures Hospital will see an average of 200-250 outpatients and about 60 in-patients.

Another place leprosy patients enjoy rehabilitation from leprosy damage is at Laigadh Leprosy Center, supported with ALM gifts.

leprosy situation

Myanmar (Burma) and Nepal have the highest prevalence of leprosy: 5.9 and 5.7 cases per 10,000 people.

Nepal has the 5th highest total number of registered cases in the world after India, Brazil, Myanmar, and Indonesia.

patients & projects

Public education is critical in the fight against leprosy.

Otherwise old myths and superstitions will prevail. Bima (pictured at left) says: "My husband got another wife. That was more painful than the nodules and skin ulcers. No one else in my family or village ever had this desease. But my village is very small. Five houses. When I first got leprosy, my family thought an evil curse was on me."

Leprosy has destroyed the nerves of Shree's hands. She cannot feel a thing. Leprosy has also left her blind. In order to tell whether her blouse is inside out or not she runs the fabric over her lips. Life is very difficult for Shree.

Many patients say they are ashamed to do the namaste greeting and expose their cracked fingers for all to see. They are greatful for finger-straightening surgery at Green Pastures Hospital. Your online gifts provide surgery for leprosy patients in many countries of the world.

prayer & praise

Pray for early case-finding so young people will grow up free from crippling and deformities from leprosy.

Praise God for leprosy therapy and occupational therapy to help patients develop strength and skill to overcome leprosy-disabilities.

Thanks to God for ALM donors whose gifts help cure children in Nepal and around the world. The average cost to cure one child is $300 and gifts may be made online.


ALM's 2006 annual budget is $75,000 to help leprosy sufferers in Nepal. Today leprosy can be cured with MDT (multidrug therapy). Gifts to cure may be made online.

Leprosy case-finding is difficult and expensive because of geography and lack of roads.

Distances are often measured in days walking and it takes a long time to visit a few patients.

The average cost to cure and rehabilitate one person with leprosy is $300. This amount covers training, transportation and other activities to locate people with leprosy and enroll them in treatment programs.


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