our projects: india


Nearly a billion people live in India. They speak 18 major languages and nearly 1,000 minor languages and dialects. Hindi is the national language.

Most people in India eat rice two or three times a day. Rice planting is back-breaking labor for men and women - mostly women - who poke each seedling into the mud by hand.

India's streets are busy and often lined with small shops where you can buy everything from car parts to mangos. (India has over 100 varieties of mango.)

alm connections

ALM has supported leprosy care in India for 95 years. Among its many partners is Karigirl hospital in South India, a training, research and treatment facility and channel of Christ's love to all in need.

ALM works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in India to build homes for leprosy-affected families.

In 1999, ALM worked with other international Leprosy agencies to provide $55,000 in flood relief to victims of flooding in Orissa.

leprosy situation

India has the highest rate of leprosy in the world - 60% of the world's leprosy is in India.

More than half a million cases are diagnosed in India each year. 14% of new cases are children.

Almost 2 million people in India are disabled from leprosy and will need life long care.

patients & projects

Your gifts help locate youngsters in the earliest stages of leprosy so they can be treated with MDT (multidrug therapy) and cured before the disease robs them of strong hands and feed and eyes.

India's healthworkers go village to village and door to door to spread the word that leprosy is curable. They teach people to look for telltale "patches" and seek treatment immediately.

In October, 2000, ALM launched the Madhya Pradesh Rescue campaign to service in a high-endemic region of Central India. Gifts up to $450,000 to the 3 year, $900,000 Madhya Pradesh project will be matched by a private donor and can be made online.

prayer & praise

Praise God for children whose leprosy is detected early and cured with MDT! (Average cost to cure one child is $300.)

Praise God for surgeons who straighten leprosy-clawed hands so patients can resume work and household activites.

Our prayer for support: Leprosy ia a cruel disease, effecting victims emotionaly, socially, and economically. Your gifts help people recover in body and in spirit and to begin lives of hope and promise. You can support ALM's India projects through your online gifts.


ALM's annual India budget is $659,562.

The average cost to cure and rehabilitate one person with leprosy is $300. This amount covers training, transportation and other activities to locate people with leprosy and enroll them in treatment programs.

American Leprosy Missions works with Habitat for Humanity to build houses for leprosy-affected families. Churches, Sunday schools and individuals are invited to help fund houses in India. Average estimated cost per house is $850.


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