U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

National Technical Institute for the Deaf - 2002

CFDA Number: 84.998 National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Operations, Construction, and Endowment Grant

Goal 8: To provide deaf and hearing students in undergraduate programs and professional studies with state-of-the-art technical and professional education programs, undertake a program of applied research; share National Technical Institute for the Deaf expertise and expand outside sources of revenue.
Objective 8.1 of 2: Provide deaf and hearing students in undergraduate and professional studies with outstanding state-of-the-art technical and professional education programs, complemented by a strong arts and sciences curriculum and supplemented with appropriate student support services.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: Enrollment: Maintain a student body of at least 1,080 undergraduate students, 100 educational interpreter program students, and 50 graduate students.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Number of students
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Undergraduate Educational Interpreter Grad/Masters in Special Ed.
Undergraduate Educational Interpreter Grad/Masters in Special Ed.
1,035 59 10
1,038 59 27
1,069 72 32
1,085 84 36
1,135 93 50
1,080 100 50
1,084 77 59
1,080 100 50
1,089 75 55
1,080 100 50
1,125 53 60
1,080 100 75
1,093 65 73
1,080 100 75
Status: Target met

Progress: Undergraduate enrollment target exceeded. Negative trend away from target in the Educational Interpreter Program enrollment and the Graduate Program enrollment.

Explanation: In fiscal year 2002, the number of Undergraduates increased beyond the target. The Educational Interpreter Program enrollment is below target. With more aggressive recruitment, the Institute is confident that the Educational Interpreter Programs enrollment will increase. The Graduate enrollment fell short its target, but increased over the fiscal year 2001 number. The fiscal year 2003 number of Undergraduates exceeded its target. The Educational Interpreter Program enrollment is below target primarily due to more rigorous entrance requirements since the program as elevated to a bachelor's level program last fall. With more aggressive recruitment, the Institute is confident that the Educational Interpreter enrollment will increase, but more slowly than originally anticipated. The graduate enrollment increased considerably over fiscal year 2002, but fell slightly short its target in fiscal year 2003.  
Additional Source Information: National Technical Institute for the Deaf Registrar Office records, FY 2003 as of October 2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: October 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. No formal verification applied.


Objective 8.2 of 2: Maximize the number of students successfully completing a program of study
Indicator 8.2.1 of 2: Graduation rate: The graduation rate for students in sub-baccalaureate and baccalaureate programs will be maintained or increased.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Student graduation rates
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Overall Sub-Baccalaureate Baccalaureate
Overall Sub-Baccalaureate Baccalaureate
50 50 51
51 50 57
53 50 61
53 50 63
53 51 61
54 50 64
53 51 61
57 54 66
53 52 61
Status: Target exceeded

Progress: In FY 2002, the overall target of 53 percent was surpassed by 4 percentage points.

Explanation: In FY 2002, the graduation rate for students in the sub-baccalaureate programs was increased to 54 percent, and the rate for students in the baccalaureate programs increased to 66 percent, resulting in an overall graduation rate of 57 percent for all deaf students. The Institute's goal is to maintain the rate for students in sub-baccalaureate programs at 52 percent in FY 2003 and maintain the rate for students in baccalaureate programs above 60 percent.  
Additional Source Information: National Technical Institute for the Deaf Registrar Office Records.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: October 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. No formal verification procedure applied.

Indicator 8.2.2 of 2: Student retention rate: the first-year student overall retention rate will be maintained; sub-baccalaureate will increase; and baccalaureate will be maintained.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Student retention rates
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Overall Sub-Baccalaureate Baccalaureate
Overall Sub-Baccalaureate Baccalaureate
76 75 84
74 73 81
74 69 84
74 69 85
74 73 84
74 68 86
74 74 84
77 72 87
74 74 84
Status: Target met

Progress: In FY 2002 overall target of 74% was exceeded by 3 percentage points

Explanation: In Fy 2002, the sub-Baccalaureate rate of 72 percent was 2 percentage points below the target, but 4 percentage points above the FY 2001 performance level. This pattern of improvement makes NTID confident that current and new retention strategies will help achieve the target of 74 percent in 2003 or 2004. Baccalaureate retention rate improved to 87%, which once again surpassed the target of 84 percent, and is better than the rate for hearing freshmen entering RIT.  
Additional Source Information: NTID Registrar office records

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: October 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by NTID. No formal verification proceedure applied.


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