U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Adult Education: State Grants and Knowledge Development - 2002

CFDA Number: 84.002 - Adult Education_State Grant Program

Goal 8: To support adult education systems that result in increased adult learner achievement in order to prepare adults for family, work, citizenship and future learning.
Objective 8.1 of 3: Improve literacy in the United States.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: Improve literacy: By 2002, the percentage of adults performing in the lowest proficiency level in the National Adult Literacy Survey will decrease.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults estimated to be in the lowest of five proficiency levels in the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey:
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Percentage of Adults
Percentage of Adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: No 2002 data are available.

Explanation: The indicator is built around a national household adult literacy survey conducted every 10 years. The initial survey benchmarking adult literacy proficiency in the United States was conducted in 1992. The second national survey, which will provide comparative data on the literacy proficiencies of adults, was scheduled for 2002 but has been delayed to December 2003 with data available in late 2004. No interim data are available.  
Source: NCES Survey/Assessment
Survey/Assessment: Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey.

Additional Source Information: National Adult Literacy Survey I, 1992; National Assessment of Adult Literacy Skill, 2002.

Frequency: Other.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: NCES.
Data validated by National Center for Education Statistics review procedures and standards.

Limitations: Limited background information collected on adults in the sample limited the scope of analyses. National Assessment of Adult Literacy Skills, now scheduled for release in 2003, will expand the background questionnaires to provide additional descriptive information and contextual information to enhance the overall analyses of the data.


Objective 8.2 of 3: Provide adult learners with opportunities to acquire basic foundation skills (including English Language Acquisition), complete secondary education and transition to further education and training and to work.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 5: Basic skill acquisition: By 2002, 32 percent of adults in beginning level Adult Basic Education programs will acquire the level of basic skills needed (validated by standardized assessments) to complete those beginning levels of instruction.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults in beginning-level Adult Basic Education who complete that level and achieve basic skill proficiency.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Percentage of adults
Percentage of adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: In 2002 new standards required validation of basic skills acquisition through standardized assessment. Because of the new standard, new performance targets and baseline have been established. Therefore, no data are available for 2002.

Explanation: Data reflect percent of Adult Education Learners (Adults With Limited Basic Skills) who demonstrated a level of basic skill proficiency needed to advance to the next educational functioning level. Educational functioning levels range from beginning literacy through high school. Revised standards require validation of basic skill proficiency through standardized assessment. New targets reflect new standard. Data for 2001 were updated with additional reports from grantees.  
Source: Performance Report
Grantee Performance Report: 1810-0503 Annual Performance Reporting Format for OIE Formula Grants to LEAs.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.2.2 of 5: Basic English language acquisition: By 2002, 30 percent of adults enrolled in the beginning levels of the English Literacy program will acquire (validated by standardized assessment) the level of English language skills needed to complete those beginning levels of instruction.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: In 2002, the standard was changed to require validation of basic skill acquisition through standardized assessment. Because of change to the standard, new performance targets and baseline has been established. Therefore, no data are available for 2002.

Explanation: Data reflect percent of English Literacy learners (adults with minimal English language skills) who demonstrated a level of English language proficiency needed to advance to the next educational functioning level. Educational functioning levels range from beginning-level English Literacy through advanced-level English Literacy. Revised standards require validation of English proficiency through standardized assessment. New targets reflect new standard. Data for 2001 was revised to reflect additional reports.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the (OVAE) implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards For Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.2.3 of 5: Secondary completion: By 2002, 45 percent of adults with a high school completion goal and who exit during the program year will earn a high school diploma or recognized equivalent.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percent of adults
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Percent of adults
Percent of adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: Because of change to the standards, new performance benchmark targets have been established.

Explanation: The performance data reflect the percent of adult learners with a goal to complete high school in secondary level programs of instruction who upon exit earned their high school diploma or GED credential within the reporting period. No 2002 data are yet available.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.2.4 of 5: Transition to postsecondary education or training: By 2002, 40% of enrolled adults with a goal to enter postsecondary education or training who exit during the program year will enroll in a postsecondary education or training program.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Number and percentage of adults
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Number of adults Percentage of adults
Number of adults Percentage of adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: Because of the change to the standard for data collection, new performance benchmarks and targets have been established. No data are yet available for 2002.

Explanation: The new performance data reflect the percentage of adult learners with a goal of further education or training, who, upon exit from adult education, enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with July 1, 2000, reporting period, OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data quality review.

Improvements: OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.2.5 of 5: Transition to work: By 2002, 40 percent of unemployed adults with an employment goal will obtain a job of the end of the first quarter after their program exit quarter.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Number and percentage of adults
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Number of adults Percentage of adults
Number of adults Percentage of adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: Because of the change to the standards for data collection, new performance benchmark targets have been established. No 2002 data are currently available.

Explanation: The 2001 performance data reflect the percentage of adult learners with an employment goal, who, upon exit from an adult education program obtain a job. Data for 2002 are not yet available.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2001
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with July 1, 2000, reporting period, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) implemented new data collection protocols, including standards for automated data reporting and a data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.


Objective 8.3 of 3: Provide adult learners at the lowest levels of literacy access to educational opportunities to improve their basic foundation skills.
Indicator 8.3.1 of 1: Educationally disadvantaged: By 2002, adults at the lowest levels of literacy (those in Beginning Adult Basic Education and Beginning English Literacy) will comprise 50 percent of the total national enrollment.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Percentage of adults
Percentage of adults
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: Reported level decreasing. No 2002 data are currently available.

Explanation: The most educationally disadvantaged adults (those at the lowest levels of literacy and English language skills) have traditionally been a target for services.  
Additional Source Information: Adult Education Management Information.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: March 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
ED Standards for Evaluating Program performance Data were developed. Other sources corroborate these findings.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000 reporting period, OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and a data quality review.

Improvements: OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.


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