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Solar Data Services

Data pertaining to solar activity and the upper atmosphere.

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We are interested in the sun because of the many influences it has on our lives and our environment. Aside from the many aspects of purely scientific research, there are numerous environmental influences caused by the sun. Beyond the obvious considerations of heat and light, some examples of these direct and indirect solar influences are the effects on short-wave radio communications, navigation, use of satellites for communication and navigation, hazards to humans and instruments in space, electrical power transmission, geomagnetic prospecting, gas pipeline monitoring, and possibly weather and human and animal behavior.

To see what the Sun is doing today, please visit the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center or the Lockheed Latest Solar Events. Other real time solar monitoring websites can be accessed from the International Space Environment Service website.

NOAA maintains a daily ground-based Solar UV Index for protection against skin cancer. The ozone layer shields the Earth from harmful UV radiation. Ozone depletion, as well as seasonal and weather variations, cause different amounts of UV radiation to reach the Earth at any given time. Developed by the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the UV Index predicts the next day's ultraviolet radiation levels on a 1-11+ scale, helping people determine appropriate sun-protective behaviors.

Solar Week -- March 9-13, 2009. Celebrating the Sun-Earth Connection. The Sun-Earth Day is March 20, 2009 -- Our Sun - Yours to Discover...
Solar Week image.

2009 celebrates the International Year of Astronomy.


We offer most of our digital data sets for Download via Anonymous FTP.

We also offer data on-line via the Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) Data Delivery & Browse System.



  • Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN) 1-second data are available via the ftp site -- they are also currently available in the SPIDR version 3 system. Data are continually being added.

  • Cosmic Ray hourly data are available in SPIDR!

  • INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL CALENDARS - The final 2009 International Geophysical Calendar is available in PNG format, or in PDF format. More information about the calendar can be found on the International Space Environment Service (ISES) Website -- click on Geo-Calendar, or on our FTP archive.

  • The FINAL 2009 International Geophysical Calendar is available.
  • The DRAFT 2010 International Geophysical Calendar is available for comments.

  • Solar Databases for Global Change Models paper on-line. Gives information about the Sun and how it affects our Earth and near-Earth environment. Also gives good information about our FTP archive and brief description of on-line data.

  • The Solar Group is offering a multi-discipline CD-ROM set, titled Solar Variability Affecting Earth. More information about the CD-ROM and ordering procedures are available.

  • Digital solar synoptic charts for the years 1966-1987 are currently available through the Data Center. Information about the maps compiled by Patrick S. McIntosh and derived from solar Hydrogen Alpha 656.3 nm and Helium I 1083.0 nm wavelength observations are available on the Digital Solar Synoptic Charts Web page.

  • A complete listing of all the UAG Reports is on-line. This list contains 105 special data reports compiled since 1968, including compilations of data reports on unusual space weather events.

  • We have a listing of historical solar observations available on microfilm. NGDC is currently scanning some of these images to digital image format.

  • A listing of some of our more popular and extensive solar indices data products is available.

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