How do I use the USPS Search?
By using the United States Postal Service Search you can find USPS related information such as news, services, products, documents and more.

The first step in using the USPS Search is enter what you want to search for in the text box. When doing this it is recommended to try to keep the number of words limited. So instead of typing 'Priority Mail Large Boxes' you would want to make the search more general like 'Priority Mail Supplies'

Once you have entered the text you would like to search for in the text box you can click the 'Search' button or press the enter key to perform a search.

image of search box

This will bring you to a page of search results. The search results page allows you to click on the link that best suits what you are looking for.

image of search results page

The Search Term Highlighted Viewing Option will attempt to highlight in red the words searched on; 'priority', 'mail', or 'supplies'.