Hospice Association of America

Welcome to HAA

The Hospice Association of America(HAA) is a national organization representing thousands of hospices,caregivers and volunteers who serve terminally ill patients and their families. Recently ranked the most effective health care trade organization on Capitol Hill by Congressional offices, HAA lobbyies for hospice, advocating the industry's interests before congress, the regulatory agencies, other national organizations, the courts, the media, and the public.

Recent hospice headlines

Hospice Association of America
228 Seventh Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 546-4759
Fax: (202) 547-9559

HAA membership can provide a precious sense of balance and control over unfolding developments in this time of change and uncertainty in the health care environment.

HAA staff has inside connections at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, strategic Members of Congress and other government oversight offices.

Members have access to expert legal advice from our specialists at the Center for Health Care Law, a public interest law firm committed to increasing access to hospice care. State of the Art educational programming, certification programs and research keep members on the cutting edge.