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  Home > Companion Animals in Care Environments

Companion Animals in Care Environments

dog and elderly resident in LTC setting
Defining Animal Activity Options
Questions to Consider BEFORE Acquiring Live-in Animals
Minnesota Guidelines for Pet Animals in Health Care Facilities
Housing and Urban/Rural Recovery Act of 1983
Lessons to be Learned from the Saga of Mae
Signs of Stress in Companion Animals
Animal Assisted Activities Policies and Procedures
Selection Criteria for Visiting or Working Dogs
Selection Criteria for Visiting Cats

Organizations that Evaluate and Register Therapy Animals
Visiting and Working Companion Animal Registration Form
Research Abstracts on the Human-Animal Bond and Long Term Care
CENSHARE Products: Live-in and Visiting Animal Videotape Series

The content included in this section of the Website are part of the information Paula (Kamrath) Frakes, CENSHARE's previous Director, has passionately pulled together over the years. The articles above follow a logical reading progression and introduce important issues to be addressed BEFORE bringing visiting, working, or live-in companion animals into a facility. Although this topic has become very popular recently, not nearly enough has been done to address the welfare of animals.

Ms. Frakes is pleased to announce the release of a book that she has contributed to entitled Animals in Residential Facilities: Guidelines and Resources for Success. This book is available through the Delta Society and represents a comprehensive resource on properly and humanely incorporating animals into senior or other residential living environments.

Related information on other sites:
Companion Animals and Elderly People
Renting With Pets
The Legal Ins and Outs of Pet Ownership and Housing
Your Right to Animals in "No Pet" Housing
Service Animals in Housing

Ms. Frakes is committed to helping improve the quality of life for both the animals and humans in care environments by disseminating information via speaking engagements, workshops, and products. Information in this section cannot be mass duplicated or distributed for any purpose without first receiving permission from Paula at:

Paula and her dog Cooper Paula (Kamrath) Frakes
Human-Animal Life Enrichment Consultant

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