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Media Resources

parents and caregivers

Find out what you can do to eliminate asthma triggers in your home (go to www.noattacks.org exiting EPA [En Español] exiting EPA

Learn about asthma studies and how you can help patients manage environmental asthma triggers.

Learn how to partner with us and receive materials at no-cost.

View public service announcements (PSAs, video news releases (VNRs) and other media materials about asthma and learn more about our National Public Awareness and Media Campaign.

El medio ambiente y su salud: Asma

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EPA is committed to raising public awareness of asthma and environmental factors that can affect asthma. To help spread the word about asthma and environmental management of common asthma triggers, EPA has developed a public information and media outreach campaign that includes award winning public service announcements (PSAs), video news releases (VNRs), brochures, fact sheets, posters, and much more.

All of our materials are available at no-cost. See a list of all of EPA's No-Cost Asthma Materials at www.epa.gov/asthma/resources.html.

What Kind of Media Resources Does EPA Have?

EPA has designed materials specifically for the media so that they can easily participate in the national effort to raise awareness of asthma, asthma triggers and ways to manage the environment to limit exposures to environmental factors than can trigger asthma attacks. EPA provides:

Some of our most popular media materials include:

Air, Print and Display EPA's Asthma Public Service Announcements and Videos

The Childhood Asthma Campaign, developed by EPA and the Ad Council, features Public Service Announcements (PSAs) in English and Spanish for television, radio, newspapers, buses and subways.

  • You can view and order copies of all of EPA's PSAs at no-cost by visiting www.epapsa.com exiting EPA

A Video News Releases (VNR) were developed by EPA and the Ad Council to provide media outlets with ready-made news stories about asthma and environmental asthma triggers. The VNRs feature EPA officials and footage from the Childhood Asthma Campaign PSA, as well as b-roll.

The Spanish language video news release is a two-minute VNR developed to accompany EPA's asthma video, Controlando los Factores del Asma. The VNR includes highlights from the fifteen minute video, and an interview with Jeff Holmstead, EPA's former Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation. To obtain copies of the VNR, visit www.epapsa.com exiting EPA where you can view and order the VNR.

Controlando los Factores del Asma Video - EPA ha publicado un nuevo video educativo. La EPA se esfuerza en fomentar los conocimientos sobre el rol de los factores ambientales del asma para ayudar a los que sufren de asma.  Vea este video en la Web (Un 13 min. 30 sec. video que requiere a Jugador de Medios de Windows)

  • Ordene la versión de VHS en español [EPA 402-V-04-002]

Air and Publish Tips on Asthma Management and Facts About Asthma

Clearing the Air: 10 Steps to Making Your Home Asthma-Friendly - A one-page, step-by-step guidance on managing asthma triggers in the home.

Cómo purificar el aire que provoca ataques de asma en interiores: Diez pasos para hacer su casa acogedora para asmáticos

Asthma Fact Sheet - A brief synopsis of the most up-to-date asthma statistics

Datos sobre el asma

Cover Asthma Stories During Asthma Awareness Month

Every year the month of May is designated as Asthma Awareness Month. Organizations around the world join together to promote asthma awareness and to help people learn about ways to manage asthma. EPA joins local, national and international efforts to promote understanding of environmental triggers and ways to manage them during Asthma Awareness Month. The media can get involved in Asthma Awareness Month by publicizing local outreach events, airing stories about asthma and asthma triggers, and playing EPA's PSAs and VNRs.

To get involved in Asthma Awareness Month, contact EPA for ideas, resources and interviews.

Who Should I Contact for Media Inquiries?

If you are interested in developing a story about asthma and the role environmental factors play in causing and exacerbating asthma, we will provide information and materials to support your effort.

EPA can also help media representatives identify top scientific and medical experts at the forefront of asthma research, and innovative local outreach projects trying to address the rising rates of asthma, particularly among children in urban environments. Contact us today to join the campaign for greater public awareness of the risks of asthma and ways to safeguard your loved ones' health.

Where Can Media Outlets Get Information About Environmental Asthma Triggers?

To learn more about factors in the environment that can trigger asthma, visit environmental asthma triggers where you will find a list of common environmental asthma triggers and information on how to reduce exposure to them.

Factors in the outdoor environment can also trigger asthma. EPA provides daily updates on air quality forecasts to help asthma patients and other sensitive populations manage their exposure to environmental risks outdoors.

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