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USAID Morocco
10 Avenue Mehdi Ben Barka Souissi, Rabat, Morocco

Last Updated on: March 06, 2009
Democracy and Governance
Overview | Program description | Activities


Morocco has embarked on a path of reform that is leading towards a democratic and well-governed nation. USAID contributes to improved government responsiveness to citizens by working towards enhanced transparency and accountability, and the improved delivery of local government services, especially those that address the priorities of the poorest citizens living in sub-standard housing. The parliament, with USAID support for institutional development, is becoming a more legitimate, effective representational body better performing its consultative role in the Moroccan system of consensus-based governance under a constitutional monarchy.


Parliament Engages Citizens in Reviewing the National Budget
The Budget Analysis Office is a model of partnership successes with USAID in Morocco!
Campaigning for National Campaigns
USAID supports activities to reinforce political parties' organizational structures and give them a comprehensive vision of a national political campaign, its centralization, its organizational strategies, and its message
Morocco’s Parliament Goes “On the Record”
USAID provided equipment to record and transcribe parliamentary sessions in real time. Moroccan citizens can now expect access to the public record created by their elected legislative representative
USAID pioneered online debates on democracy issues
The USAID New Business Opportunities' program provided financial support for designing marketing tips and promoting the export-ready Moroccan businesses exhibiting in bi-annual Las Vegas Magic show
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