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Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)

Instrument Categories: Satellite Observations

General Overview

The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) distinguishes between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust, and sulfates, and can measure cloud pressure and coverage, which provide data to derive tropospheric ozone. OMI continues the TOMS record for total ozone and other atmospheric parameters related to ozone chemistry and climate. The OMI instrument is mounted on the EOS Aura platform and employs hyperspectral imaging in a push-broom mode to observe solar backscatter radiation in the visible and ultraviolet. The hyperspectral capabilities improve the accuracy and precision of the total ozone amounts and also allow for accurate radiometric and wavelength self calibration over the long term.

This instrument is a contribution of the Netherlands's Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR) in collaboration with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) to the EOS Aura mission.

Primary Measurements Taken

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the netCDF File Header Descriptions (Data Object Design Files) for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

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