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Last Updated on: March 06, 2009

Youth for peace and sustainable development

The US Agency for international development (USAID/Morocco) and the Moroccan Youth Forum of the Third Millennium organised, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the “Millennium Village for Youth”. The event takes place from September 24-28 in Rabat, with the theme of “Youth for peace and sustainable development”.

Youth for peace and sustainable developement  
Youth for peace and sustainable developement  

The first Millennium Village for Youth initiative seeks to create a space for dialogue, exchange and debate on issues related to the Moroccan youth, namely developing youth capacity in job searches, business creation, youth participation in the decision making process, participative democracy, as well as tolerance and intercultural dialogue.

During five days of training and entertainment, 140 youth, from different civil society and political organisations, schools and universities, including journalists, young entrepreneurs and youth from disadvantaged neighbourhoods, will have the opportunity to participate in activities and workshops related to different aspects of human and sustainable development.

In order to give the participants the chance to express their points of view, a space for exhibiting young artists’ works of art and vocation is scheduled.

Under the theme diplomacy in colours: “young Moroccans, ambassadors of peace and tolerance”, will participate in a workshop for drawing a large painting on peace.  This activity will allow young Moroccans to share with international youth a call for peace and tolerance, rejecting all forms of violence and extremism.

The “Millennium Village for Youth” will also pay tribute to the youth who have most contributed to development actions in different fields. An artistic show, animated by young artists, will also be organised on Friday, Sept. 26, at the Dar Chabab Al Amal and will be marked by the distribution of awards to the winners of the young talents’ competition.

The activities of “Millennium Village for Youth” will close with a solidarity activity. Organisers plan a friendly football match and an Iftar with young detainees at the Ben Slimane center of child protection.  The purpose is to promote youth’s role in solidarity with people in difficult situations.

This event is a pilot initiative of both USAID and the Moroccan Youth Forum of the Third Millennium. Based on the results we may work on the creation of similar youth programs in different regions of Morocco. This Village reflects the organisers’ will to contribute to youth integration in Morocco’s economic, socio-educational and political life.
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