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USAID: From The American People Sub-Saharan Africa Rougiatou Diallo settles down for a nap with her two children, Serigne Fallou (age 3) and Mame Cor (age 1) in the district of Guédiawaye near Dakar.  - Click to read this story
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2008 Congressional Budget Justification
The CBJ summarizes USAID activities and funding in Somalia.

2005 Annual Report [31kb - PDF]
In-depth description of USAID activities in Somalia, organized by sector.

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Country Profile (pdf,84kb)
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Building Democracy
Humanitarian & Disaster Assistance: Complex Emergency
FRAME: Knowledge Sharing for the Natural Resource Community

USAID/Somalia Mission

USAID/Somalia is managed by USAID/East Africa

Web Site:

Mission Director:
Cheryl L. Anderson

Local Address:
USAID East Africa
USAID East Africa
P.O. Box 629
Village Market 00621
Tel: 254-20-862 2000
Fax: 254-20-862 2680 / 2681 / 2682

From the US:
USAID/East Africa
Unit 64102
APO, AE 09831-4102

Somali students listen to a USAID-supported radio education program

Somali students listen to a USAID-supported radio education program



The situation in Somalia remains highly fluid. Since 1991, Somalia has essentially been a collapsed state. The social costs of war have been enormous, leaving Somalia with some of the lowest human development indicators in the world. Somalia's social, economic, and political development faces formidable challenges. Given the absence of central institutions in Somalia for more than 15 years, the continuation of ongoing efforts to support peace and stability and to rebuild law enforcement, governing and social service institutions remains a priority for U.S. assistance.

USAID's work in Somalia addresses key challenges by supporting peace building and national reconciliation initiatives; building the capacity of governing institutions and civil society groups to support the establishment of a functioning national government; improving the delivery of social services; and meeting humanitarian and early recovery needs.

In FY 2008, USAID allocated over $319 million in assistance through international and local nongovernmental organizations and United Nations agencies. This funding comprises $25.7 million in development assistance, an estimated $274.2 million in food aid and humanitarian assistance. In addition, the Department of State also provided $20 million to vulnerable communities in Somalia as well as Somali refugees in the Horn of Africa.


Peace and Security

USAID's program in peace and security is focused on fostering the conditions needed for sustainable peace and reconciliation. The program brings together local communities, civil society representatives, and Somali political leaders to identify, research, and discuss key issues and steps to building a sustainable, peaceful society. Through extensive public consultations, workshops, and stakeholder dialogue on issues essential to peace building and state reconstruction, the program raises public awareness about the peace processes underway.

Governing Justly and Democratically

USAID works with several partners to improve governance at the national, regional, and local levels, and to support key elements of civil society. USAID and the international community are supporting concrete steps toward accomplishing the objectives for the transitional process outlined in the Transitional Federal Charter, including the constitution-making process and preparations for national elections. USAID is also assisting the establishment and strengthening of representative local government institutions. Work includes training the majority of the parliamentary members to improve legislative processes and increasing the legislature's capacity to reach out to constituents and civil society. USAID is directly supporting civil society's active engagement in peace, reconciliation, and reconstruction.

Investing in People

Civil unrest has eroded Somalia's education and health services. USAID assists local communities by providing integrated health and education interventions that strengthen the delivery of basic social services and improve capacity of the governing institutions to deliver services throughout Somalia. USAID funds programs that increase student attendance and retention by training new teachers, especially women, improve access through non-formal methods, and support curriculum development. Programs provide concrete improvements to education and water infrastructure while building the capacity of local government and communities to sustain the improvements. USAID also has a higher education partnership with the University of Hargeisa to establish a program in conflict mitigation.

Humanitarian Assistance

USAID's emergency relief activities in Somalia benefit more than 2 million people affected by repeated shocks of drought, floods, and conflict through health, nutrition, water and sanitation, and protection projects implemented by international and local nongovernmental organizations as well as UN agencies. It has augmented staff at USAID's East Africa Regional Mission in Nairobi to address evolving needs related to the regional drought and food security crisis. The office monitors conditions, identifies priority needs, and facilitates coordination and information sharing among international relief organizations. USAID's food assistance assists more than 2 million vulnerable Somalis. For more information about USAID humanitarian assistance to Somalia, click here.


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