Remittance Mail  
The Postal Service recognizes the vital role mail plays in the remittance industry. Financial institutions, credit card companies, retailers, and consumers all have an interest in the level of service provided to remittance mail. The Postal Service is committed to strengthening its partnership with the remittance industry by initiating service improvements and developing product innovations that are beneficial to our mutual customers.
Did you know?
The USPS Mail Moment Study shows that consumers are drawn to their mailbox by promise and expectation of finding useful commercial and financial content. They value their financial mail and depend on it to help them with their lives and run their households.

Source: USPS Mail Moment Study

This program focuses on enhancing USPS capabilities in meeting the needs of the remittance mail industry.

Find useful tools and resources to better manage your remittance mail operations.

What’s New


Automated Accounting for BRM

Several months ago, the USPS conducted a test to validate the ability to automate the counting of Business Reply Mail (BRM). There are many things that need to be accomplished in advance of implementation and the USPS believes that the first step is to encourage the use of the Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMb) on BRM. To learn more, read the latest meeting notes or this information on Intelligent Mail.

Postal Service Continues Aggressive Steps to Cut Costs

Closing administrative offices, eliminating positions, offering early retirements. For more information read the USPS press release. (doc) (rtf)

Invitation to become a subcommittee Chair

Recently, the Remittance Mail Advisory Committee (RMAC) formalized the committee’s structure and expanded its membership. To better channel our efforts, we have identified three key areas of focus: (1) communications, (2) performance metrics/certification, and (3) new technology, products and service. These subcommittees will be tasked with identifying and promoting the interests and needs of the membership.

We are currently seeking qualified individuals willing to chair the communications or new technology, products and services sbcommittees. As the chairperson of a subcommittee you will be in the position to play a major role in improving the flow of information between the remittance industry and the Postal Service.

Your main function will be to guide discussions with subcommittee members leading to an open exchange of ideas and ecommendations for appropriate action.  Meetings may be conducted at geographically diverse locations, via Web meetings or teleconferences.  Each subcommittee will have a Secretary who will be responsible for the administrative tasks of the group. Your commitment and enthusiasm will produce outcomes that are significant.

If you would like to know more about these opportunities, please contact Susan Dudley at or 202-268-7438.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Charles Kelly
RMAC Co-chairperson

Prat Shah
RMAC Co-chairperson

If you have any questions or would like to join a subcommittee, please contact Susan Dudley, USPS Remittance Mail Program Manager, at 202-268-7438, or send an email to

Postmaster General Responds to Customer Feedback on Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) Implementation. Read the letter from Postmaster General John E. Potter to Postal Customers.