(IDA) International Dyslexia Association LOGO
Promoting Literacy Through Research, Education and Advocacy Promoting Literacy Through Research, Education and Advocacy

Welcome To IDA's Online Discussion Forum! 

NOTE:  The Online Discussion Forum is temporarily off-line for updating.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for participating in our discussion forum. The comments and information posted on the IDA discussion boards are the sole responsibility of the individual or individuals who have posted the comments and information.

It is IDA’s intention to create an environment where people can share their thoughts and experiences with one another. However, forum participants should be aware that postings on the IDA discussion forums do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IDA.

All forum participants should be educated and wise “consumers of information” and consider a wide variety of information sources before taking action regarding their particular situation.

We strongly recommend that forum participants go to the Fact Sheet section of our website for official, IDA prepared, information.
In addition, individuals can contact the IDA Information and Referral (I&R) Department between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm (Eastern) to talk to an I&R specialist (410.296.0232) or call our toll free number (1.800.ABCD123) to leave a message requesting that IDA send specific information to you.

Once again – thank you for participating in the IDA Discussion Forums.

Click here to continue to the Discussion Forum (the IDA Discussion Forum is temporarily off-line for updating)