NCLD - NCLD Scholarships & Awards

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NCLD Scholarships & Awards 

The Anne Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 award given to a high school senior with an identified learning disability (LD) who is pursuing an undergraduate degree.

The ideal candidate is a high school senior who has faced the challenges of having a learning disability; is committed to completing a college degree and setting career goals; has demonstrated perseverance; embraces new opportunities; has a well-rounded perspective shaped by experiences in school, in the community, and with family and friends; understands how LD affects his/her life and recognizes the importance of self-advocacy; believes in contributing to society in a way that increases the opportunities for individuals with learning disabilities; and will feel comfortable serving as a role model for others who struggle with LD.

For more, click here.

Bill Ellis Teacher Preparation Award
The Bill Ellis Teacher Preparation Award is presented annually to a general education teacher who demonstrates excellence in teaching and a commitment to all students, including those with learning disabilities.

Established in 1996, the award honors Bill Ellis, a great humanitarian, educator and visionary who served as NCLD's director of professional services from 1991 until his death in 1995.

For more, click here.

The Pete & Carrie Rozelle Award is given to a school or school-related program that addresses the educational and social/emotional needs of all children, including those with learning disabilities. This $5,000 award will allow for expanded programmatic and staff development opportunities that focus on incorporating effective research-based practices into classroom and school-wide practice.

Preference is given to programs that serve underprivileged and under- served communities, or programs that have demonstrated unique impact for students with LD. (Note: Only schools that have met Annual Yearly Progress goals will be considered.)

For more, click here.

"30 Voices of LD" Competition
In honor of NCLD's 31st Anniversary, the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) solicited works of art, photography, poetry, videos, essays, short stories, websites, blogs, etc. that express what life is like for individuals with LD.  Artists were asked to share with us expressions of hopes, dreams, struggles and successes, and to show us what their world looks like or tell us about how having LD has shaped their life and goals.