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State Workforce Agency

This page contains information about E-Verify specifically for State Workforce Agencies (SWA) following the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 11-07 (see "Related Links" on the right side of this page). 

You are a State Workforce Agency (SWA), if you were formerly known as a State Employment Security Agency (SESA) under a State Administrator.  The governor designates the State Workforce Agencies to administer Wagner-Peyser Act  (see "Related Links" on the right side of this page) funded employment and workforce information services, and the state unemployment compensation program.  

If you are NOT a State Workforce Agency, please return to the  E-Verify Homepage. 

The top five reasons State Workforce Agencies should consider participating in E-Verify are:

  • The Department of Labor strongly recommends that SWAs use the E-Verify system. (see TEGL 11-07 in the "Related Links" on the right side of this page).
  • E-Verify is currently the only means available for State Workforce Agencies to electronically verify the employment eligibility of prospective workers
  • E-Verify helps reduce Social Security mismatch letters 
  • E-Verify protects jobs for authorized U.S. workers
  • E-Verify helps U.S. employers maintain a legal workforce

SWA E-Verify Registration

State Workforce Agencies must register for E-Verify using a specially designed process, rather than the Employer Registration site that all other program participants use.  To register, read the one-page document below titled SWA E-Verify Registration Guide, for a step-by-step guide of the process.


SWA Memorandum of Understanding

The MOU is an agreement between the State Workforce Agency, the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration about using the E-Verify program.  To participate in E-Verify, SWAs must review and sign the document below, and send it to USCIS by following the instructions in the SWA E-Verify Registration Guide.


Using E-Verify

Use these resources to assist you in using E-Verify to verify the employment eligibility of referred workers.  The Quick Reference Guide below is an essential guide to running E-Verify queries.

Last updated: 09/05/2008

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