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Home arrow The National Historic Preservation Program arrow ACHP Policy Statements arrow Samples: Affordable Housing Alternative Design Guidelines

In accordance with implementing prinicple IV. ("Adhere to the Secretary's Standards, when feasible") of the ACHP Policy Statement on Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation, plans and specifications for rehabilitation, new construction, and abatement of hazardous conditions associated with affordable housing projects should adhere to the recommended approaches in The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, when feasible.

When economic or design constraints preclude application of the Standards, consulting parties may develop alternative design guidelines tailored to the district or neighborhood to preserve historic materials and spaces to the maximum extent feasible. Alternative guidelines shall be incorporated into executed Memoranda of Agreement or Programmatic Agreements.

Samples Below: Affordable Housing Alternative Design Guidelines

New Haven, CT Design Guidelines (PDF)

Greensboro, NC Design Guidelnies (PDF)

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Updated October 19, 2005

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