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Q : How Can I Invite Someone to the U.S. to Visit?

People often ask how they can help a family member, relative or friend get a visa to visit them in the United States. We appreciate their desire to help and understand that sometimes the need for a visit can be urgent.

Under U.S. law, though, applicants for visitor visas must apply on their own to visit the United States.

To qualify for a visitor visa, applicants must:

  • Complete and sign the required application forms
  • Bring evidence that their visit is temporary and that they will return home after their legally authorized stay, and
  • Undergo security clearance procedures

We understand that you may want to help with the visa process. But it doesn't help the applicant to write a letter of invitation or guarantee their departure from the U.S. after their visit is over. A consular officer from the U.S. Department of State (not USCIS) evaluates every visa application on its own merits according to the law. You can be most helpful by making sure the applicant has all the information they need to submit a correct application.

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