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Owner Demographic Economic Research


February 2009 – Self-Employed Women and Time-Use [PDF File] by Tami Gurley-Calvez, Katherine Harper, and Amelia Biehl, Research Summary. [PDF File]

November 2008 – Estimating the Contribution of Immigrant Business Owners to the U.S. Economy [PDF file], submitted by Robert W. Fairlie, Research Summary [PDF file].

April 2008 – Human Capital and Women’s Business Ownership [PDF File] by Darrene Hackler, Ellen Harpel, and Heike Mayer—Business Development Advisors, Research Summary. [PDF File]

February 2008 – The Tax Debts of Small Business Owners in Bankruptcy [PDF file], submitted by Rafael Efrat, Research Summary [PDF file].

October 2007 – Income and Wealth of Veteran Business Owners, 1989 – 2004 [PDF File] submitted by George W. Haynes, Research Summary. [PDF File]

September 2007 – Are Male and Female Entrepreneurs Really That Different? [PDF File] a working paper by Erin Kepler and Scott Shane, Research Summary. [PDF File]

July 2007 – The Effect of Wealth and Race on Start-up Rates [PDF File] submitted by Maritza Salazar (BCT Partners, LLC), Research Summary. [PDF File]

April 2007– Minorities in Business: A Demographic Review of Minority Business Ownership [PDF file],– is a report on statistical information about minority-owned businesses such as the number of businesses, types of businesses, business turnover, income, industry, procurement, and financing, Research Summary. [PDF file]

March 2007 – Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley During the Boom and Bust [PDF File] submitted by Robert Fairlie, Research Summary. [PDF File]

August 2006 – Women in Business: A Demographic Review of Women’s Business Ownership [PDF file], written by Ying Lowrey, Research Summary [PDF file]

December 2005 – Minority Entrepreneurship [PDF file], submitted by Robert W. Fairlie; University of California; Santa Cruz with a review by Ying Lowrey

December 2005 – Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership in the Veteran and Service-Disabled Veteran Community [PDF file], submitted by Waldman Associates

October 2005 Research Study [PDF file], State of the Inner City Economies:Small Businesses in the Inner City (Update), submitted by Small Businesses in the Inner City (Research Summary)

September 2005 - Preliminarily information on women and minorities in business, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, are available now on the census 2002 Survey of Business Owners (SBO) website. The explanation of the data can be found at The census’ interactive data is sorted by industrial sectors and sorted by state.The SBO provides data on the number of firms, sales and receipts, employment, and annual payroll for kind of business, by gender, Hispanic or Latino origin, and race. Download Tables (Self-Extracting Microsoft Excel File).

September 2005 - Working Paper [PDF file], U.S. Sole Proprietorships: A Gender Comparison, 1985-2000, submitted by Ying Lowery Research Summary

May 2005 - Research Study (PDF file), Availability of Financing to Small Firms Using the Survey of Small Business Finances, submitted by Karlyn Mitchell and Douglas K. Pearce, Research Summary

February 2005 – Research Study [PDF file], Using Census BITS To Explore Entrepreneurship, Geography, and Economic Growth, submitted by By Zoltan J. Acs and Catherine Armington Research Summary.

February 2005 Research Study [PDF file], Dynamics of Minority-Owned Employer Establishments, 1997-2001 – is an analysis of employer data from the Survey of Minority-Owned Business Establishments Research Summary.

December 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], Evaluating Veteran Business Owner Data, an Advocacy report prepared in collaboration with Jack Faucett Associates, Inc., Eagle Eye Publishers, Inc., Waldman Associates, and REDA International, Inc., Research Summary.

December 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], Self-Employed Business Ownership Rates in the United States: 1979-2003, submitted by Robert W. Fairlie Research Summary.

November 2004 Research Study [PDF file], Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership In the Veteran Population, Waldman Associates Research Summary.

June 2004 Research Study [PDF file], Characteristics of Federal Government Procurement Spending With Veteran-Owned Businesses: FY 2000 – FY 2003 (3Q), submitted by Eagle Eye Publishers, Inc., Research Summary.

March 2003 Research Study [PDF file], Dynamics of Women-Operated Sole Proprietorships, 1990-1998, includes major industries, patterns in the number of gross receipts, and net income of women-operated sole proprietorships based on data from the Statistics of Income, Internal Revenue Service. Financing patterns of women-owned businesses, based on the Survey of Small Business Finances of the Federal Reserve Board are also available in downloadable tables (Microsoft Excel Files).

January 2002 Research Study [PDF file], An Investigation of Venture Capital in Women-and Minority-led Firms, submitted by Candida G. Brush; Nancy Carter; Elizabeth Gatewood; Patricia G. Greene; and Myra M. Hart Research Summary.

November 2001 Research Report [PDF file], Minorities in Business, 2001, is a report on statistical information about minority-owned businesses such as the number of businesses, types of businesses, business turnover, income, industry, procurement, and financing.

October 2001 – Research Study [PDF file], Women in Business, 2001, is a report on the ownership, formation, growth, management, financing and other social and economic characteristics of women in business, based upon data complied from federal government sources.

March 2001 – Research Study [PDF file], Rural and Urban Areas by Firm Size, 1990-1995, A report on the changing share of small employer firms with regard to establishments and employment in rural and urban areas by major industry and state prepared by Charles Ou and Robert Berney.

September 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Analysis of Hispanic-Owned Companies, submitted by Cognetics Research Summary.

April 2000 Research Study [PDF file], The Characteristics of Small-Business Employees, Article written in the Office of Advocacy and published in the April 2000, Monthly Labor Review showing how the small-business workforce differs from the large-business workforce, submitted by Brian P. Headd

November 1999 Research Report [PDF file], Minorities in Business  –  reports a report on statistical information about minority-owned businesses such as the number of businesses, types of businesses, business turnover, income, industry, procurement, and financing.

May 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Women and Minorities in Franchising and Financing Practices, submitted by Women in Franchising Inc., Research Summary.

October 1998 Research Report [PDF file], Women in Business – a report on statistical information about women-owned business.

January 1998 Research Report [PDF file], Characteristics of Small Business Owners and Employees  - Analyzes the demographic characteristics of employees and owners of small businesses. Employee and self-employment data covers the period 1992 to 1996 while the owner data covers 1992. Download Tables (Self-Extracting Microsoft Excel File).

1995 Research Study, Business Ownership as an Employment Opportunity for Women, submitted by Steven Lustgarten Research Summary [HTML file].

January 1993 Research Study, Equity Capital Access by Small and Minority Business Enterprises, submitted by Applied Economics Group, Inc., Research Summary [HTML file].

November 1986 Research Study [PDF file], Financial Success and Business Ownership Among Vietnam and Other Veterans, submitted by Steven Lustgarten Associates, Inc., Research Summary.

1984 –1986 [PDF] Profiling Entrepreneurial Veterans (Vol.III) (Vol.II) (Vol.I) , submitted by Mid-Atlantic Research Inc., Research Summary.

May 1985 Research Study [PDF file], Viable Loan Categories for Veterans , submitted by Joel Popkin & Company Research Summary.

March 1985 Research Study [PDF file], Vietnam-Era Veterans and Enterpreneurship , submitted by Jerry F. Booren Research Summary.

Historical Research

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