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Firearms Legal Info

Legal > Licensing

A license is required under the GCA to engage in business as a manufacturer, importer or dealer in firearms. 18 U.S.C. 922(a)(1), 923(a). A license application (except for collector of curios & relics) must include a photograph and fingerprints of the applicant.

An application will be approved if the applicant --

(1) is 21 years of age or over;
(2) is not prohibited from transporting, shipping, or receiving firearms or ammunition in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce;
(3) has not willfully violated any provision of the GCA;
(4) has not willfully failed to disclose any material information or made any false statement;
(5) has in a state premises from which to engage in business; and
(6) certifies that the business will comply with State and local law and that local law enforcement officials have been notified of the application. 18 U.S.C. 923(d)(1).

Licenses are issued for a 3-year period. Licenses may be revoked, or license renewal applications denied, if the licensee has willfully violated any provision of the GCA. 18 U.S.C. 923(e). Judicial review of administrative license denials and revocations may be obtained in Federal court. 18 U.S.C. 923(f)(3).

A license is required under the AECA for the export, temporary import, and temporary export of defense articles, including firearms and ammunition. The license application must generally be filed by a person registered with the Department of State. The application must include specific information concerning the article being shipped, the destination, the end user, and the end use. An import authorization from the country of end use must also be submitted in support of the application. Licenses are approved for a four-year period and are subject to post-approval reviews and verifications to ensure compliance with the terms of the license.