June 26, 2000

NOTE: Copy of Open Letter is being mailed to all importers the week of July 9, 2000

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is committed to keeping industry members informed of regulatory and statutory developments that affect them. In furtherance of this commitment, we have prepared this open letter, which contains information about recent changes which may affect your day-to-day operations and/or long range plans. We hope you find this letter helpful in your business pursuits. Some of the changes will also be announced through other channels, such as the Federal Register and ATF’s Internet site,


CICAD Model Regulations

On April 18, 1998, at the second Summit of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile, President Clinton announced that the United States would issue regulations implementing the "Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition" (the Model Regulations). The Model Regulations were drafted by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission ("CICAD") at the request of the Organization of American States. The purpose of the regulations is to provide standardized procedures for the international movement of firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition so as to prevent illegal trafficking in these items.

To further these objectives, the President directed the U.S. Secretaries of State, Commerce, and Treasury to implement the Model Regulations. In response to the President’s directive, on April 12, 1999, the Department of State published in the Federal Register amendments to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (64 FR 17531). The Department of Commerce published its amended regulations in the Federal Register on April 13, 1999 (64 FR 17968). Now, through a final rule published June 20, 2000, in the Federal Register, ATF is amending its regulations and affected forms to comply with the Model Regulations. Changes made by this final rule were effective upon publication and include:

Open Letter to Federally Licensed Firearms Importers


This requirement applies only to commercial (i.e., imports by licensed and/or registered importers for purposes of resale) importations of firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition.

Technical and Conforming Amendments to Import Regulations

We have identified several amendments and conforming changes to the regulations that are needed to provide uniformity in Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations. These amendments to 27 CFR Parts 47 and 178 were published in the Federal Register along with the CICAD amendments. They merely improve the clarity of the regulations, simplify regulatory requirements, or implement foreign policy as directed by the Department of State. The amendments are as follows:


Department of State Trade Sanctions

In furtherance of the national security and foreign policy of the United States, the Department of State has imposed trade sanctions against the Kazakhstani firm Uralsk Plant Metallist, the private Czech arms broker Agroplast, and three Agroplast officials, Petr Pernicka, Zbynek Svejnoha, and Alexander Petrenko. As requested by the Department of State, ATF will not approve permits to import defense articles when any of the companies or named officials is involved in the importation. Any U.S. importer having currently valid import permits for imports from any of these entities or individuals is asked to so inform ATF in writing. Responses should be submitted to the Chief, Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch, Bureau of ATF, 650 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 5100, Washington, DC 20226, fax (202) 927-2697.

Additionally, ATF continues to observe Department of State trade sanctions imposed March 29, 1999, against three Russian companies, the Tula Instrument Design Bureau, the Volsk Mechanical Plant, and the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Machine-Building a/k/a Tzniitochmash. No permits will be approved for the importation of defense articles associated with these companies.

Personnel Changes

We are pleased to announce that on July 17, 2000, the Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch will welcome David D. Johansen as its new branch chief. Dave brings over 15 years of ATF experience to his new position. In 1985, Dave began his ATF career as an inspector in Denver, Colorado. From 1989 until 1993, Dave held positions within the Trade Affairs Branch and later in the Associate Director’s Program Planning and Analysis Staff in Bureau Headquarters. Dave returned to the field in 1993 when he was appointed to the position of Area Supervisor in Buffalo, New York. In 1998, Dave returned to Washington, DC when he accepted a position in ATF’s Office of Inspection.

After 7 ½ years of service in the Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch, Larry White will be moving into his new position as the Firearms Industry Liaison/Analyst for the Firearms, Explosives and Arson Directorate effective July 2, 2000. In his new role, Larry will serve as a point of liaison/contact for both the domestic and import firearms industry members. Like Dave, Larry also has many years of ATF field and headquarters experience dating back to 1976 when he became an inspector in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1982, Larry came to Washington as a Specialist in the Firearms and Explosives Operations Branch. Larry moved to Atlanta, Georgia as Area Supervisor in 1989, and returned to Washington as a specialist in the Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch in 1992.

We wish Dave and Larry much success in their new roles.


Maintaining open lines of communication is vital to the successful future of ATF’s partnership with the import community. The Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch is available to answer your questions about the issues addressed in this letter. You may reach us by phone at (202) 927-8320 or by fax at (202) 927-2697.

Sincerely yours,

Signature of Alan B. Graham

Alan B. Graham

Acting Chief, Firearms and Explosives

Imports Branch