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Western Pay and Benefits

Western uses three different pay scales, based on job type. The General Schedule pay scale is used for most Federal employees. Craft workers are paid under the Wage Board pay scale. Dispatchers and marketer pay is governed by an Administratively Determined pay scale.

In addition to government-wide benefits including holiday pay, annual and sick leave, health care and retirement funds, etc., offered to all Federal employees, Western offers other benefits to its employees.

Employee Assistance Program - A confidential program to assist you and your family members who are facing work, personal or family life issues. The program includes short-term counseling, advice and referral services.

Eye Exam Reimbursement - You may be reimbursed for part of the cost of an eye exam not covered by your health insurance coverage.

Fitness Facilities - Many of our duty locations have onsite fitness facilities at little or no cost.

Fitness Facility Reimbursement - You may choose to belong to a commerical fitness facility. Western will reimburse the full cost of an on-site, or 50 percent of the cost of a single membership in a commercial fitness facility, up to $500 annually.

Physical Reimbursement - If you are in a position not requiring an annual physical, you may be reimbursed for part of the cost of a physical not covered by your health insurance plan.

Some Western offices also participate in community health activities. Typically, these activities include health and physical assessments, including analysis of body composition, blood and dietary factors, as well as free educational seminars on various health and fitness topics.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Western offers planning seminars for employees and their spouses (or other interested parties) who are within 5 years of retirement. These seminars often include guest speakers such as representatives of the American Association of Retired Persons, attorneys, financial planners, leisure activity counselors and previous retirees. The seminar leader provides answers to technical retirement benefits, life insurance, Thrift Savings Plan and health insurance questions.

Transportation Subsidy - If you take public transportation to work, you may be reimbursed for that cost, up to $100 each month.

Workplace Flexibilities

Flexibility in the workplace is always an added bonus to any job. That is why Western created programs to help employees get their jobs done and ensure personal responsibilities are met. Western takes pride in giving employees the opportunity for:

Alternative Work Schedules - Flexible work arrangements that allow you to vary your starting and ending times within the work week based on personal and organizational requirements.

Telecommuting - A work option available to you to help balance your work and personal responsibilities.