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Representation Digest Series

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56 FLRA No. 163

Dept. of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Los Angeles, California and NFFE, Local 777 and International Federation of Professional andTechnical Engineers, AFL-CIO, Case No. SF-RP-90103 (Decided December 5, 2000)

      Local 777 held an election to change its affiliation from the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) to IFPTE, and filed a petition requesting that its certificates of representation be amended to reflect this change. The Regional Director (RD) found that Local 777 was recognized as the exclusive representative of separate professional and nonprofessional units of employees. The RD further determined that both units were not afforded due process in the change of affiliation to IFPTE, because of the inadequacy of the ballot. Additionally, he found that because separate elections were not conducted, he could not determine the wishes of the professional unit with respect to the change in affiliation. Accordingly, the RD dismissed the petition.

      The Authority denied the application for review noting that the RD did not fail to apply established law. The Authority additionally found that the decision was not based on clear and prejudicial error concerning a substantial factual matter.

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