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Arbitration Digest Series

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56 FLRA No. 146

U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity Arlington, Virginia and Federal Education Association (Gross, Arbitrator), 0-AR-3281 (Decided September 29, 2000)

      This case is related to three prior arbitration awards, other issued decisions, and several other arbitration cases pending before the Authority regarding payment of interest on arbitration awards. Two of the underlying arbitration cases were also before the Authority regarding payment of attorney fees pursuant to the Back Pay Act. The payment of interest on the award of backpay was not at issue in those cases. The underlying background is set forth in detail in 56 FLRA No. 119 (September 26, 2000).

      Arbitrator Gross sustained a grievance finding that the Agency's failure to pay the grievant her Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) in a timely fashion was an unjustified and unwarranted personnel action pursuant to the Back Pay Act and, therefore, ordered the grievant be paid interest on the amount payable. The Authority concluded that the Agency did not establish that the award was deficient under section 7122(a) of the Statute.

      The Authority noted that Office of Personnel Management regulations implementing the Back Pay Act could not be challenged in this proceeding. The Authority noted that section 7105 of the Statute enumerates the powers and duties of the Authority, none of which relate to passing judgment on rules or regulations that OPM or any other Federal agency has enacted. The Authority further noted that if the Agency wished to challenge the validity of the OPM regulations implementing the Back Pay Act, it may do so in an appropriate Federal district court, not through exceptions to an arbitrator's award. The Authority moved on to conclude that the award was not contrary to law, regulation or sovereign immunity. Additionally, the Authority concluded that the award did not fail to draw its essence from the parties' agreement, nor that it was based on a nonfact.

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