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Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Secretary Gutierrez Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan

Visit Highlights U.S.-Afghan Commercial Relationship

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez was in Kabul, Afghanistan today to reaffirm the strong economic and commercial relationship between Afghanistan and the United States. The visit reinforces the Bush Administration’s long-term commitment to work with the Afghan people to create economic opportunities and develop a private sector that will drive Afghanistan’s economic growth. The administration’s continued commitment was underscored last month when it pledged $1.1 billion at the London Conference. The pledge is in addition to the more than $10 billion of humanitarian, reconstruction and security assistance already provided.

"My visit highlights the United States’ continued support to help Afghanistan create a business-friendly environment that will create jobs and move economic development forward," said Secretary Gutierrez. "A strong economy will help Afghanistan build a society based on peace, hope and prosperity."

Secretary Gutierrez met with President Hamid Karzai and applauded the President’s leadership in overcoming the devastation left by more than 20 years of conflict.

The Secretary also commended President Karzai for his successful effort to create the Afghanistan Compact. The Compact is a political commitment on the part of both Afghanistan and the international community to work towards a series of five-year benchmarks measuring performance in economic and social development; security; governance, rule of law and human rights; and counter narcotics. The Compact specifically commits the government of Afghanistan to "promote the role and potential of the private sector," and to advance sustainable economic development.

During his meeting with President Karzai, Secretary Gutierrez emphasized the importance of the U.S.-Afghan strategic partnership which will assist Afghanistan in creating jobs and other economic opportunities, and increase commerce between U.S. and Afghan companies.

During President Karzai’s May 2005 visit to Washington, Secretary Gutierrez hosted President Karzai and 50 leading U.S. business executives for a roundtable on commercial opportunities in Afghanistan. Today’s visit allowed Secretary Gutierrez to assess the Afghan government’s efforts to open its market to foreign investment.

In Kabul, Secretary Gutierrez also met with Afghan Commerce Minister Hedayat Amin Arsala, where he discussed the U.S.-Afghan commercial partnership. Secretary Gutierrez and Minister Arsala also discussed several initiatives that were initially raised during Minister Arsala’s visits to Washington in late 2005.

While in Afghanistan, Secretary Gutierrez also met with members of Parliament, representatives of cabinet ministries and U.S. and Afghan companies in a roundtable on trade, investment and private sector development. He discussed opportunities for enhancing the U.S.-Afghan commercial relationship by creating business linkages between U.S. and Afghan companies.

"The United States is committed to working with the Afghan Government in creating a market conducive to international trade and investment," said Secretary Gutierrez. "The Department of Commerce will support efforts that will help the developing private sector increase trade between the United States and Afghanistan, and improve the legal and institutional framework for promoting investment in Afghanistan."

Secretary Gutierrez is the second U.S. Commerce Secretary to visit Afghanistan since 2001. Former Secretary Donald Evans visited Kabul in October 2003.