Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

Purpose of Form :
For a permanent resident alien who must leave the United States for certain employment purposes and wishes to preserve his or her status as an immigrant in order to pursue naturalization.
Number of Pages :
Instructions: 5; Form: 2.
Edition Date :
07/30/07. Previous editions accepted.
Where to File :

File this application with the USCIS Local Office with jurisdiction over your place of residence.

Filing Fee :
Special Instructions :

Please note: We recommend that this form not be filled out in your web browser, but that you download it to your computer (Window/PC users can do this by "right-clicking" on the link below and selecting "Save Target At." After naming your file and designating  a location on your hard drive and saving it there, launch the file in Adobe Reader.

Note on Filing Fee:

Checks should be made payable to Department of Homeland Security or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.