Fishermen hoist a sail made of recycled rice bags near Porto Novo, Benin.


Program Established 1986

ADF Program Goals

1) Maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across Africa.

2) Maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.

3) Maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and social benefits.  

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's country representative.

Mr. Paul Olson
Regional Program Coordinator / Interim Representative
08 BP 0546
Cotonou, Benin
Tel: (229)
Fax: (229) Email:

Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF's Benin Program:
USADF established its Benin program in 1986. The current Portfolio of seven active investment projects focuses on the agricultural sector, providing support to food producers and processors and totals nearly $1.15 million. For more information please visit Benin's quick source page.

The Cooperative The Cooperative Pharmaceutique et Technique (CPT), a registered pharmacy in Cotonou, produces quality and affordable medicine.  CPT developed a children’s cough medicine, Sirop Armand, which sells well in the regional market.  With USADF funding, CPT has constructed a new production facility for its medicine, allowing it to double its production of Sirop Armond.  CPT employed 7 people at the beginning of the project, but thanks to 400% increase in annual revenues, it now employs 21 workers.

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810