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IRP reporting spreadsheet

Congress requires Western and its customers to report each year on supply-side, demand-side and renewable resource activities performed under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and Western's Energy Planning and Management Program.

The IRP Annual Progress Reporting Spreadsheet and IRP Annual Progress Consolidation Spreadsheet (for cooperatives and member-based associations) make it easy for Western customers to report the required information electronically. The spreadsheets are for the convenience of Western's customers--they are not mandatory. Western's customers can report the required information in any format, as long as they submit information to Western for review and approval

The IRP Annual Progress Reporting Spreadsheet is for individual entities, and the IRP Annual Progress Consolidation Spreadsheet allows multiple-member entities such as IRP cooperatives and member-based associations to consolidate information from multiple IRP Annual Progress Reporting Spreadsheets submitted to them by their customers.

IRP annual progress reporting spreadsheet

Excel Office 97 or Excel 7.0

If you are unable to download the spreadsheet, please contact your regional representative and request a copy of the spreadsheet on a disk.

If you are unable to download the spreadsheet, please contact your regional representative and request a copy of the spreadsheet on a disk.