

New programs begin in 2008
Islamic Republic of Mauritania

ADF Program Goals

1) Maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across Africa.

2) Maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.

3) Maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and improved infrastructures.  

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's country representative.

Sadio Diarra
Temporary Country Program Coordinator
Al Khaima City Center
10 Rue Mamadou Konate
P.O. BOx 1980
Nouakchott, Mauritania
Tel: +222.525.2936
Fax: +222.525.2451

Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF's Mauritania Program

USADF signed a country accord with the government of Mauritania in April 2008 and has initiated plans to begin program activities within 60 days (read press release).  USADF programs in Mauritania will focus on developing small and medium sized enterprise growth in underserved and marginalized areas that can provide real economic benefits to local communities. 

Recently, USADF approved two projects for funding in Mauritania in record time. In less than sixty days from the signing of the country accord that opened the door, USADF is ready to begin operations.  The two projects valued at a total of $500,000 will help an underserved group of former slaves in the Rosso and Boghé regions increase their cow and camel herds’ production of milk for local processing to meet increasing markets demands. The projects when fully implemented have the potential to improve the livelihoods of more than 1100 herders and their families.  The project funding will help settle these nomadic herders by establishing a revolving financing fund, improving veterinary and vaccination services, and developing a more sustainable approach to providing year round feed for their herds.  Madame Rama Bah, Regional Program Coordinator for USADF added, 'in addition to economic impacts, these projects have gone a long way in helping to break down tribal and cultural barriers that really limit long term opportunities for growth.”  In addition to the practical assistance to the rural herders, the projects will also help develop two producer associations with management and operations training.  The two associations based in Rosso and Boghé collect and market the individual herder’s milk to Tiviski, the largest dairy factory in Mauritania for local processing.

These projects represent essential elements of USADF strategy.  USADF was established to move quickly to get development dollars to grassroots groups where the need is the greatest.  USADF projects focus on responding to the needs and solutions identified at the local level rather than on a heavily-handed top down approach to development.  Mr. Pierson said, “sometimes smaller is better, because you can focus on real needs and specific solutions. We are thrilled to play a role in helping some of the world’s most marginalized and under-served communities get a chance to improve their life conditions.”

  Camel Herd in Mauritania  


1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810