Green Power and Market Research News
A Weekly Electronic News Service from Western's Renewable Resources Program Covering Green Power, Renewable Energy and Market Research Strategies

Green Power

PG&E Offers Pure Wind Certificates
PG&E National Energy Group's newest environmental product, Pure Windsm Certificates, are available for customer purchase. In New York State, these PWC's are generated by our first 100% emission free wind project located in Madison County.  Households use electricity, water, natural gas or fuel oil, and these samehouseholds create waste that mostly goes out of the house in the trash can or down the drain.  You now have the opportunity to offset the energy pollution of your household with purchases of Pure Windsm certificates corresponding to equivalent amounts of wind-generated electricity delivered to the New York power pool. One Pure Windsm certificate represents the environmental attributes associated with one megawatt-hour (1 MWH) of electricity generated by the Madison Windpower Project.  This includes avoided air emissions and avoided water emission, as wind-generated power is emission-free.  Comparing the environmental attributes of wind-generated power to the environmental attributes of other types of generated power, one Pure Windsm Certificates represents a savings of 5 lbs. Sulphur Dioxide, (SO2), 2 lbs. Nitrogen Oxide, (NOx), and 1000 lbs. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions when the comparison is based upon the average of all New York State power generation facilities.  In addition, Pure Windsm projects are designed to have no water emissions or solid waste; they consume no water; and do not significantly impact natural resources, including birds.  You can easily place your order now, and for only $40.00 a PureWindsm certificate can be yours. Orders postmarked by October 15, 2000 will receive a commemorative Grand Opening seal. For more information see the Pure Wind Website at:  http://www.purewind.net/  .  Michelle Priestley e-mail 10/10/2000.

TenderLand Announces Wind Power Program
TenderLand Power Company recently announced that it has launched an Adopt-A-Wind Turbine Program that is available to all of the company's flat-rate plan customers who choose to participate.  Under the new program TenderLand is offering all of its current electric service customers the opportunity have their name placed on a wind tower of their choice which will be installed at the Alta Mesa Wind Energy Project in Palm Springs, California. Seventy new wind turbines, which will carry the companies names, and are being installed at the Palm Springs facility are part of a 10-megawatt planned expansion. TenderLand said that the new turbines are expected to be in service by June 2001. Data, such as real time energy production will be recorded for each of the new turbines and sent to each of the sponsoring companies from the time the company sponsorship begins.  "TenderLand's flat-rate plan customers have chosen renewable power without the scepter of future rate deferral obligations for their electric service looming in the future," said TenderLand chief financial officer Ken Keddington. "Many of our customers have a genuine interest in learning more about renewable power generation and linking these customers with specific wind turbines installed for our power projects provides a more identifiable, real-world understanding between the TenderLand customer's electric service and actual source of their renewable power."  TenderLand said that the company's current eight-cent per kilowatt hour flat-rate will be available to the first 80,000 San Diego area customers. Additional customers wishing to be enrolled in the flat-rate program will be placed on a waiting list. The flat-rate program will remain in place for the next five years and the rate for the entire year will be set at the beginning of each year. There is no minimum contract for any TenderLand customer. The Adopt-A-Wind Turbine program is only available to flat-rate customers.  Contact: TenderLand, phone 877-872-0932,  Website at:  http://www.tenderland.com  .  Source: Tenderland Release 9/29/2000 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 10/4/2000.
For more information on Green Power go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/   or   http://www.thegreenpowergroup.org/

Renewable Energy Technologies

Forest Service Rejects Appeals: Fourmile Hill Approval Reaffirmed
The U.S. Forest Service appeals process has rejected arguments by local activists, including one of several nearby Indian Tribes, seeking to block construction of Calpine Corporation's Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project. The agency decision, released August 31, by Acting Deputy Regional Forester Leigh Beck, reviewed a long series of questions and objections. In conclusion, the decision states, "I have considered all the appeal issues raised in making my decision. I have determined that all issues have been adequately addressed by the Forest Supervisors in the EIS and ROD, and in the record. I affirm the Forest Supervisors' decision." (emphasis added).  The decision is the final administrative action of the Department of Agriculture.  http://www.geotherm.org/Updates/September/Sept.htm  .    Source: Geothermal Energy Association Website 10/20/2000.

SolarFlex Breakthrough in Solar Technology
SolarFlex Technologies recently announced it has made a significant breakthrough in the development of a market-ready solar cell on a flexible and lightweight plastic substrate.  The company's development stage goal is to create a solar cell on plastic generating an efficiency level of at least five percent before beginning commercial production.  The company recently reported that it is more than half way toward the achievement of their goal. The company projects that solar cells on plastic substrates will generate electricity at a cost of about nine cents per kilowatt hour, which is 57 percent less costly than current solar cell technology.  For more information contact Adrian Pelkus at (858) 549-7864.  Source: MSRI Electronic Newsletter 9/29/2000.
For more information on Renewable Resources go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/repis/

Outreach, Education & Reports

Renewable Energy Critical to World's Future, Report Says
Clean, renewable energy sources like wind are one of the major foundations for a prosperous, equitable, and environmentally sustainable world, according to a major new study produced by the World Energy Council, which represents major energy suppliers, and two United Nations agencies.  The report, World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, draws on the findings of nearly one hundred scientists, energy experts, social researchers and development practitioners from around the world and is sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and
the World Energy Council.  The full text of the report is available on the Web at:   http://www.undp.org/seed/eap/activities/wea  .  Source: AWEA Wind Energy Weekly 10/06/2000.

NWEC Launches New Website
The NW Energy Coalition (NWEC) recently launched a website which allows consumers to compare the environmental impacts of different power generation technologies.  The website was developed by an alliance of environmental organizations, including NWEC, called Power Scorecard. The alliance can be accessed on the World Wide Web at  http://www.powerscorecard.org  .   "Northwest consumers increasingly can choose where their electricity comes from and many want green power," said NWEC policy director Nancy Hirsh. "The Power Scorecard will help people make an informed choice they can feel good about."  Power Scorecard also offers information about the relative impacts of hydropower, coal, nuclear, wind, solar and other sources of electricity generation. In addition, the site explains why it is important for consumers to make a choice.  "As more and more people demand greener power, cleaner technologies will begin to constitute an increasingly significant share of where our electricity comes from -- ultimately replacing the more polluting plants we rely on today," said NRDC senior policy analyst Sheryl Carter.   Contact: Mark Glyde, NWEC, phone 206-621-0094.  Source: NWEC Release 9/28/2000 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 10/2/2000.

U.S. DOE Announces Energy New Home Page
Beginning next week, the Department of Energy's home page will have a new look and a new name.   The publications and features are still there, but now our improved topical navigation lets the public find information more easily.  This site has been running in parallel with the current homepage since mid-summer.  We want to put energy.gov to work for you!  You may want to reset your bookmarks using the new name and consider making   http://www.energy.gov   .  The new design has created an informative, relevant and user-friendly site that appeals to all Americans, helping them find over 800 select web pages across DOE that reflects the variety of what we have to offer on the web.  Featured sites will change monthly and all other links will be very dynamic, keeping the page fresh and current.  There are four major changes from the current doe.gov site, that are in keeping with a White House Directive on e-Government and the recent launch of the http://www.USA.gov.gov  .   Questions should be directed to Kathy McShea, 202-586-1908, or kathleen.mcshea@hq.doe.gov.

FEMP Design Technical Assistance
In Washington, D.C. the Renewable Energy Working Group advised of the October 25th deadline for federal agencies to apply to DOE (FEMP) for project  design assistance. For further information, see September FEMP Focus:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/femp Source: Scott Sklar e-mail 10/17/2000.
For more information on Educational Resources go to: http://www.thegateway.org

News from Washington

U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson Urges Passage of a Stand-Alone Reliability Measure
U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson faulted Congress' ability to pass a comprehensive restructuring measure at House and Senate hearings on this winter's potential energy crisis. Richardson and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman, Frank Murkowski, urged passage of a stand-alone reliability measure. Richardson said at the Senate hearing, "We have also seen supply constraints and price volatility in the electricity sector this year. With that in mind, I'd like to tell you how discouraged I am that it appears Congress will adjourn without acting on electricity deregulation." Richardson blamed the lack of federal action for western electric reliability problems this summer. He noted at the House hearing, "We have seen the price spikes in California, the Pacific Northwest, and parts of New York. Enactment of federal electricity restructuring legislation, as proposed by the Administration, would go a long way towards resolving this problem." Murkowski took exception to the premise that his committee failed to act on electricity restructuring legislation. He said the committee abandoned a comprehensive measure, due to a lack of consensus, and instead passed a stand-alone reliability measure earlier in the summer.  Source: AWEA Restructuring Weekly 10/6/2000.

Representative Introduces Fuel Cell Tax Incentives
U.S. Representative Nancy Johnson (R-CT) recently introduced a bill that would provide a tax credit for stationary fuel cell systems of five kilowatts or greater with a generation efficiency of 30 percent or higher. The credit is intended to create market incentives for fuel cell systems. Under the bill, known as H.R. 5339, a $500 kilowatt tax credit would be available from January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2005.  "Competition for [fuel cell] markets will be fierce and Asian and European countries are already investing heavily," said Johnson. "U.S. technology and leadership will generate significant job and export opportunities for this exciting clean energy technology."  A Johnson official said there is currently no cost estimate for the bill and its pending before the House Ways and Means Committee. Contact: Representative Nancy Johnson, website at:   http://www.house.gov/nancyjohnson   .  Source: Rep. Johnson Release 9/27/2000 via EIN Renewable Energy Today 10/19/2000.
For more information on legislative activities go to: http://www.kannerandassoc.com/fedenergybills.html

Marketing & Market Research

Cinergy Solutions, Inc. Invests In And Forms Joint Venture With U.S. Energy Systems, Inc.
U.S. Energy Systems, Inc. and Cinergy Solutions, Inc. announced that Cinergy Solutions has made a strategic investment in U.S. Energy Systems, an independent power producer, and that the companies have entered into a joint venture to provide cogeneration and energy services. Cinergy Solutions, Inc. is an affiliate of Cincinnati-based Cinergy Corp., one of the nation's leading diversified energy companies.  As part of the transaction, Cinergy Solutions has purchased a 7.7% stake in U.S. Energy Systems by investing $3.5 million in return for 583,333 common shares. M. Stephen Harkness, President and Chief Operating Officer of Cinergy Solutions, Inc., will join the Board of Directors of U.S. Energy Systems.  The joint venture will provide cogeneration, energy services, outsourcing and renewable energy to industrial and other large energy customers. The alliance will build on the combined expertise and resources of both companies, including Cinergy Solutions' expertise and expanding presence in the field of combined heat and power and energy outsourcing to large industrial customers and U.S. Energy Systems' proven development and environmental expertise, including renewable energy.  For more information see: http://www.usenergysystems.com/pr_08.htm  .  Source: PR News Wire 10/12/2000 via EPRI Green Power News 10/12/2000.
For more information on marketing and market research go to:  http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/emaa/index.html

Grants & Other Funding News

U.S. DOA Requesting Proposals for the National Research Initiative Competitive Grant Program (NRI)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is requesting proposals for the National Research Initiative Competitive Grant Program (NRI).  Topic areas include but are not limited to:  Agricultural systems, rural development, equipment grants, markets & trade, and improved utilization of wood and wood fiber.  Approximately $111 million is expected to be available in FY01.  Due dates range from 11/15/00 to 2/15/01 depending on program area.  For more info, contact the USDA at (202) 401-5022 or go to http://www.reeusda.gov/nriSource: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

Chemical Industry Solicitation is Available On-line
The Department of Energy's Office of Industrial Technologies FY2001 Chemical Industry Solicitation is available on-line.  Applications are being sought for industry cost-shared projects to address research needs identified in Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry and subsequent technology roadmaps. Proposals are due to the DOE Chicago Operations Office on November 15, 2000. More information is available at:  http://www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov/page9.html  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

Forest Products RFP
On August 3, 2000, the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA), in partnership with the U.S. DOE, issued its annual request for proposals for cost-shared R&D to reduce energy consumption, enhance economic competitiveness, and reduce environmental impacts of the Forest Products industry. Final selection will occur on July 2001 and project awards will be given on October 2001.  Information can be obtained at:  http://www.oit.doe.gov/forest/page4.htmlSource: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

Proposals Sought to Increase Energy Efficiency in Motor, Steam, Compressed Air, Combined Heat and Power
The Department of Energy's Office of Industrial Technologies is seeking plant-wide energy assessment proposals from industrial manufacturing plant sites that take a comprehensive, systems approach to increasing energy efficiency in motor, steam, compressed air, combined heat and power, and process heating systems. The solicitation opened on August 1, 2000 and will close on November 22, 2000. More information is available at:  http://www.oit.doe.gov/bestpractices  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

USDA Secretary Glickman Recently Awarded $113 Million in Agricultural Research Grants
Eight of the awards were made in areas relating to biobased industrial products and bioenergy.  Two of these projects were in new industrial crops for domestic production of critical and strategic materials, such as natural rubber and castor oil.  Two were in new uses from commodity crops, in the topic areas of environmentally preferable corn/soy-based industrial solvent and a general purpose soybean oil-based grease.  Four awards were made in the area of biomass conversion to bioenergy via optimizing biomass pretreatment, biotechnology to develop biocatalysts, optimizing and reducing corn wet milling time , and optimizing gasification/fermentation technologies.  Full information is available on our Website at: http://www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov/page9.html  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson Awards Six Technology Development Research Grants
On September 13, U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson awarded six technology development research grants totaling nearly $6 million for the advancement of clean energy technologies and the development of tools that could maximize the potential for these technologies in the future. More information on the biomass projects is available at: http://www.doe.gov/news/releases00/seppr/pr00232.htm  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson Awards Ten Technology Development Research Grants
On September 6, 2000, Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson awarded ten technology development research grants totaling more than $2 million to help advance the use of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies and increase the use of these cleaner technologies. Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.

Recent Awards and Upcoming Biobased Products and Bioenergy Solicitations
For upcoming biobased products and bioenergy RFP's see Website at:  http://www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov/page9.html .  For recent awards see Website at:  http://www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov/page9.html  .  Source: Biobased Products and Bioenergy Newsletter 9/2000.
For more information on funding solicitations go to: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/index.html

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