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Guide to the Talking Glossary of Genetics

All of the illustrations in the Talking Glossary of Genetics are freely available and may be used without special permission.

Phonetic Spelling and Illustration: Each glossary entry has a phonetic spelling to help sound out the word, and many terms have professionally drawn illustrations for greater understanding. Each illustration can be viewed over the Internet or downloaded as a high-quality printable PDF file.

Spoken Explanations of Glossary Terms: Each listing has an audio explanation that can be heard using the RealAudio Player. Speakers comment on or define each term, which is also relevant to their field of study. For example, leading cancer researchers comment on cancer, or expert gene hunters tackle the terms on the search for, or mapping of, genes.

About the RealAudio Player: To hear the audio explanation, your computer has to be able to play a sound file. RealAudio Player is free and can be downloaded from this site. You only need to download and install it once. The RealAudio player will work on this Web site, as well as thousands of other Web sites.

Download the RealAudio Player

Information On Each Scientist: Clicking the hyperlinked name will take you to each scientist's Web page, where you can learn more about their research and recent publications.

Related Terms/Search for a term: Other genetic terms used in text or dialogue appear as hyperlinks in the related terms listing. Clicking on the hyperlink takes you to that term's definition for more information. The Glossary also has a search engine that displays all terms that contain the word you are interested in learning more about. For example, there are many listings related to cancer or gene. All the terms found in a search are hyperlinked, placing you a mouse click away from learning more about any listing.

Suggest a Term: To help the Glossary grow and change, there is a built-in Suggest-a-term function that allows visitors to the site to suggest terms for inclusion in the Glossary at regular updates.

About PDF Files: You can view PDF files using Adobe Acrobat available from this Web site. All glossary PDF files can be opened and printed directly from the Internet to your computer's printer without saving them to your hard drive. PDF files can also be downloaded and saved for later uses such as overhead transparencies, in a school report or as teaching tools. Each file is the size of a regular piece of printer paper or a standard overhead transparency.

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Last Reviewed: January 28, 2009

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