Processing Passion Fruit in Burundi


Four new projects funded in 2008.
Map of Burundi

ADF Program Goals

1) Maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across Africa.

2) Maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.

3) Maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and isocial benefits.  

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's Regional Program Coordinator.

Ms. Christine Fowles
US African Development Foundation    
1400 Eye St Suite 1000
Washington DC 20005

Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF's Burundi Program


ADF is re-establishing its program in Burundi after some 14 years. The main focus is on enterprise development and to that extent we will be searching for investments in the private sector that have strong backwards linkages to farmer suppliers and /or potential for increased job creation through expansion of their business. ADF will also be supporting a handful of micro credit initiatives. Access to credit, particularly but not exclusively for women, will provide the bridge from relief to development. Reaching hundreds of individuals at a time will bring immediate hope to a hard-working population and set the stage for larger income generating activities in the future.

Additionally, hundreds of local associations that have been involved in conflict resolution are now trying to extend into income generation activities. Several of these groups do not have legal status themselves but are members of Burundian umbrella NGOs that are often led by some dynamic individual with a mostly volunteer staff.

In order to reach the most vulnerable in the early years of our program, it is likely that ADF will need to work through these NGOs to assist their membership groups. Most of their needs are more in the ‘social enterprise’ category—immediate income generation opportunities but not graduating to the level of enterprises per se. In working through these NGOs we will identify those most closely connecting with ADF’s bottom-up philosophy and approach.

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810