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How Utilities and REPs Use Monitor Power Management.

Are your commercial customers looking for an innovative and free way to save energy across their entire organization? Would you like to help your residential customers save energy instantaneously through a click of an icon on your Web site? A free ENERGY STAR program can help utilities and REPs save their customers energy quickly and easily by activating the monitor power management functions that place an inactive computer monitor into a low-power sleep mode automatically.

Computers in general use over 1% of the nation’s commercial electricity and more energy than all office equipment combined. A monitor uses roughly 60 to 90 watts when active but only 2 to 5 watts when in a low-power sleep mode. 95% of monitors have the ability to go into this low-power sleep mode automatically after a period of inactivity. In general, an organization can annually save about 200 kWh per computer. For an organization with 1,000 computers, that's 200,000 kWh savings per year!

How other utilities and REPs have used monitor power management?

  • Pacific Gas & Electric’s Office Energy Efficiency Program partnered with ENERGY STAR to promote monitor power management throughout their service territory. Through their efforts, Cisco Systems will activate monitor power management on 50,000 computers and save 8.5 million kWh and $1,000,000 annually. Cisco IT staff devoted about 2 days of time to the issue. Read the case study Word document.
  • Members of the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP), including National Grid, Western Mass Electric and Efficiency Vermont, have begun including information in their residential bill stuffers about the ENERGY STAR EZ Wizard tool that can be used activate monitor power management their computers. Please see the download site Exit ENERGY STAR and the Efficiency Vermont Page Exit ENERGY STAR.
  • New York State Energy Research Development Authority's Government Energy Efficiency Program used ENERGY STAR monitor power management tools on a number of county governments in New York State. Westchester County deployed EZ Save software on over 3,000 computers and will save $60,000 annually. Read the press release Word document.
  • Charged with promoting energy-efficiency throughout the state, Wisconsin Focus on Energy began a pilot monitor power management program at commercial facilities.

Implementing Monitor Power Management at No Cost to You

Home Office

If you’re a home PC user or have a small organization with only a few computers.

Small Organization

If you are from a small to medium size organization (20 to 499 computers).

Large Organization

If you are from a large organization (500+ computers).