National Health Observances
Health observances are special days, weeks, or months used to raise awareness of important health topics. Examples include World AIDS Day or the Great American Smokeout.
Below you will find a list of national health observances, along with the sponsoring organizations and contact information for materials.
2009 National Health Observances:
- Year at a Glance [HTML]. A summary by month and date(s) of listed national health observances.
- Complete Document [HTML]. Full listing by month and date(s), including sponsoring organizations and contact information for materials.
- Complete Document [PDF - 0.6 MB]. Adobe® Acrobat® PDF version, including Year at a Glance and monthly planning pages.
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Disclaimer: Information appearing in this document does not represent an endorsement by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which do not have any role in naming national health observances.