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Manufacturers: Join

To become a partner with ENERGY STAR:

1. Determine your Partnership Type:

Identify which product category applies to your company structure and determine the product area(s) of interest.

Eligible Organizations:

You may be eligible to become an ENERGY STAR partner if your company manufactures or private labels the following product types that meet the current ENERGY STAR qualification criteria:

  • Appliances
  • Commercial Food Service Equipment
  • Home Electronics
  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Products
  • Home and Building Envelope Products:
    • Seal and Insulate (insulation and air sealing products)
    • Roofing
    • Windows
  • Lighting Products
  • Office Equipment

See all of our product specifications for information on eligibility criteria and partner commitments.

2. Get a Partnership Agreement from ENERGY STAR:

If you are a manufacturer or private labeler of windows, doors, or skylights, contact windows@energystar.gov to receive a customized partnership agreement and program materials. For all other product areas, download the Manufacturer Partnership Agreement Packet PDF (465KB). Please review all the necessary documents before proceeding with any of the paperwork. Once you have reviewed, please fill out the Partnership Agreement Packet.

  • Enter your organization information on pages three and five.
  • Enter your organization's contact information on page seven.
  • Check the authorization box on page five.
  • Check the appropriate Program Area box on page six.
  • Date the form on page six.

Once you’ve completed the Partnership Agreement Packet, please save your changes and send it to the appropriate email address below.

If you are already an ENERGY STAR partner and wish to expand your partnership with ENERGY STAR, please fill out a new Commitment Form PDF (292KB) electronically and send it to the appropriate email address listed below.

3. Return the Partnership Agreement and Commitment Form to ENERGY STAR at one of the following addresses below:

c/o ICF International
1725 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006

Or, if you are a manufacturer of CFLs, clothes washers, dishwashers, refrigerators and/or freezers, room air conditioners, Solid State Lighting (SSL), water heaters, windows/doors/skylights, or window components, please return your materials to:

c/o D&R International
1300 Spring Street, Suite 500
Silver Spring, MD 20910

If you have any questions about the partnership agreement process, want to verify partnership, or check on the status of your paperwork, please send an email to join@energystar.gov.

View Manufacturer Resources