Energy Services Bulletin
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March 2009  ""

By venturing into the largely uncharted territory of LED lighting, a power wholesaler will provide its member co-ops with a map for adopting this promising, energy-efficient technology.

A lighting professional offers practical advice on choosing the best lighting system for energy and cost savings.

An Iowa municipal utility's test burn may revive a traditional use of corn as a biofuel—and create a new revenue stream for local farmers.

Efforts to reduce energy use by curtailing outdoor lighting meet with mixed results.

Energy Services has created a step-by-step, online program to walk customers through the IRP submission process.

Western Area Power Administration

Vol. 28, No. 3,
March 2009

Regional Energy Services Managers:
Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman
Billings, MT:
Michael Radecki
Loveland, CO:
Linda Swails
Phoenix, AZ:
Audrey Colletti
Folsom, CA:
Sandee Peebles
Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power

Editor/Web technician:
Kevon Storie

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

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