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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,

Billings, MT:
Michael Radecki,

Loveland, CO:
Linda Swails,

Phoenix, AZ:
John LI,

Folsom, CA:
Sandee Peebles

Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
Telephone: 720-962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Editor/Web technician:
Kevon Storie

Voluntary net-metering encourages St. George customers to go solar

Customer service—not legislation—motivated St. George, Utah, Energy Services to offer net metering to residential and commercial customers with renewable energy systems.

Western strengthens ties with tribes to develop renewables

Western's Native American tribal customers may hold the key to unlocking the West's vast renewable energy resources.

New guidebook helps utilities address public concerns

Western and several industry organizations created a guide to help utilities give their customers more of a voice in the decision-making process.

Technology Spotlight:
Solar thermal energy an option in large facilities

Large commercial, industrial and institutional facilities that didn't think solar thermal energy could be cost effective may be in for a surprise.

Energy shorts
  • New laws boost New Mexico RPS, create state transmission authority
  • Governor, industry address flaw in California solar rebate program
  • ASU receives NSF grant for alternative energy technologies programs
  • CEC Booklet helps home buyers, sellers raise energy-efficiency IQ
  • Colorado resident tests backyard wind turbine
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