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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,

Billings, MT:
Michael Radecki,

Loveland, CO:
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
John LI

Folsom, CA:
Sandee Peebles

Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
Telephone: 720-962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Editor/Web technician:
Kevon Storie

Solar power keeps L.A.'s Metro running in black and green

The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority helps to protect its bottom line—and the environment—with solar arrays on two San Fernando Valley bus divisions.

Hospitals discover energy efficiency good for ailing budgets

Energy efficiency measures are helping hospitals like the Blackfeet Hospital in Browning, Mont., control operating costs.

Teamwork helps small-town utility keep big customer happy

Jackson, Minn., Municipal Utilities partnered with Missouri River Energy Services to improve the efficiency of one of the small utility's biggest industrial customers.

Nucor energy teams tune up program with DOE assessment

A DOE Energy Saving Assessment is just another step in Nucor Bar Mill's ongoing quest for energy efficiency.

Energy-efficient pool keeps Hemingford residents cool

Hemingford, Neb.'s new $1.1 million, zero-depth swimming pool last spring demonstrates the village's leadership in municipal energy efficiency.

Utilities help local grocery stores find energy savings

Small and independently-owned grocery stores are important to local economies, and Western customers are doing their part to keep these businesses profitable.

Many options available to make airports greener

Pinched by rising energy prices and pressured by consumer and regulatory demands for "greener" operations, airports are coming up with creative ways to reduce that impact.

Insulation plant participates in DOE energy assessment program

A manufacturer of an energy-saving product recently learned some "Easy Ways to Save Energy," courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Western helps municipal, Federal agencies purchase RECs

Colorado Springs Utilities recently became Western's first municipal firm power customer to participate in a group purchase of renewable energy credits.

Power partnerships produce renewables education events

Western has joined several power industry organizations to sponsor workshops and webinars for utilities trying to navigate the maze of renewable energy issues and opportunities.

Topics from the Power Line:
Restaurant could benefit from heat-pump water heating

Several options, ranging from simple to complex are available to restaurants interested in a cost-effective alternative to conventional water-heating systems.

Energy shorts
  • Western joins Energy Star Change a Light program
  • Online Key Account Tool Box coming soon
  • California Solar Initiative offers performance-based incentive
  • Updated Holiday Lighting fact sheet now online
  • EPA becomes 100-percent green powered
Technology Spotlight:
Calculating energy savings of indoor swimming pool measures

There are several resources to help determine if conservation measures for swimming pools are effective.

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