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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,
(720) 962-7419

Billings, MT:
John Pankratz,
(406) 247-7392

Loveland, CO:
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
Dewey McLean,
(602) 352-2583

Folsom, CA:
Dave Christy,
(916) 353-4490

Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk
(801) 524-6383

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
the telephone number is (720) 962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Kevon Storie

Web technician:
Tiffani Chopko

Partnership turns former City Hall into efficient living space

The Kansas City Board of Public Utilities teamed up with a non-profit development corporation to give an historic building a new lease on life as energy-efficient loft apartments.

Wind group creates technical resources for utilities

As wind technology and the issues surrounding it become more complex, the Utility Wind Interest Group has helped power providers keep up with the learning curve.

Rural Iowa utilities welcome large ethanol plants

Iowa is experiencing an ethanol boom and rural utilities are developing programs and services to meet the needs of their new large industrial customers.

Hog farm adds wind to renewable energy collection

The Colorado partners who teamed up on the first microturbine powered by hog waste biogas have joined forces again for another renewable energy demonstration project.

Growers pair solar power with wine to mellow electric bills

California wineries are installing photovoltaic arrays to extract another valuable product from the sun: clean, inexpensive electricity.

Arizona meeting promotes state wind development

The Arizona Wind Working Group held a meeting in January to get state agencies, private developers and utilities to take a hard look at the state of the state’s wind industry.

Efficient spray valve saves restaurants water, money

A new weapon in the ongoing battle to conserve water offers substantial energy and water savings for a very low investment while it helps small businesses control costs.

States set goals to increase renewable energy use

In 18 states, maintaining or increasing the amount of renewable energy in the electricity mix is now a matter of policy.

Award recognizes Western’s role in green power purchase

The Federal government honored two Western employees for their part in helping the Environmental Protection Agency buy green tags for facilities in our territory.

Western seminars take training resources to customers

Customer-sponsored workshops are a cost-effective way for utilities to learn about new technology, increase efficiency, solve problems, improve customer relations or all of the above.

Topics from the Power Line
Resources give savings estimates for lighting, insulation measures

The Power Line finds plenty of information to help utilities and consumers calculate how much energy households save by improving lighting and insulation.

Energy shorts
  • USDA announces grants for renewable energy ventures
  • New DOE Web site offers energy-saving tips
  • Industry reports see great potential for US solar power
  • Major corporations buy 62 MW of green power in 2004
  • NRECA honors OK co-op’s wind power program

Technology Spotlight
Calculating ASD savings…without fudging fan laws

Adjustable speed drives can help cut down on the energy fan and pump motors use, but miscalculation can lead to over-predicting the savings.

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