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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,
(720) 962-7419

Billings, MT:
John Pankratz,
(406) 247-7392

Loveland, CO:
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
Dewey McLean,
(602) 352-2583

Folsom, CA:
Dave Christy,
(916) 353-4490

Salt Lake City, UT:
Dave Bennion,
(801) 524-5506

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
the telephone number is (720) 962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Kevon Storie

Web technician:
Tiffani Chopko

Issues management involves Colorado Springs ratepayers in resource planning

Colorado Springs Utilities takes the conventional public comment period to a new level to make customers part of the resource planning process.

Planning gives Los Angeles head start on California RPS

A municipal utility’s integrated resource plan paved the way for its voluntary compliance with the state’s renewable portfolio standard.

Sum of large customer plans equals power wholesaler’s IRP

To forecast its future electricity demands, the Colorado River Commission must take the needs of several large industrial customers into account.

Polling supports NPPD plan to acquire more wind power

Nebraska Public Power District learned a great deal from its Deliberative Polling project, including that customer education builds support for renewable energy.

One report meets Minnesota utility’s state, Federal requirements

Under Western’s revised guidelines, Moorehead Public Service is able to submit its state-mandated, biannual Conservation Improvement Plan in lieu of an IRP.

Montanans learn ins and outs of small wind interconnection

Hill County Electric Cooperative teamed up with Western and other agencies to untangle the complex process of interconnection for customers interested in developing small wind projects.

State building shows North Dakota’s commitment to efficiency

The state’s Century Center building shoots for an Energy Star with large-scale geothermal technology, advanced air handling and programmable lighting control.

Grocery stores get more energy saving tips from Power Line

In the second of two features, the Power Line looks at measures from lighting to employee education that can help grocery stores control operating costs.

Western support makes planning manageable

Planning is a chore, so Western’s Energy Services provides general assistance, on-line tools and technical support to help customers develop integrated resource plans.

Western shops for green tags, green power for Federal agencies

Western’s Renewable Resources for Federal Agencies program is helping government offices enjoy the benefits of renewable energy—and comply with a Federal order.

Topics from the Power Line
Find solar technology and finance information online

Utilities can use the Internet to learn about the latest developments in PV technology and how to finance cutting-edge solar projects.

Energy shorts
  • Farm bill renewables amendment passes in House
  • Aspen Skiing Company commissions micro-hydro project
  • IID honored for geothermal excellence
  • Green-E reports increase in certified renewable energy sales in 2003
  • Sustainable municipal energy planning resources available from GTI

Technology Spotlight
New heat pump technology won’t freeze up in the cold

Even when it’s cold outside, the cold climate air source heat pump operates almost as efficiently as the geothermal variety.

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