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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,
(720) 962-7419

Billings, MT:
John Pankratz,
(406) 247-7392

Loveland, CO:
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
Dewey McLean,
(602) 352-2583

Folsom, CA:
Dave Christy,
(916) 353-4490

Salt Lake City, UT:
Paula Fronk
(801) 524-6383

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
the telephone number is (720) 962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Kevon Storie

Web technician:
Tiffani Chopko

Wray builds Colorado’s first school wind project

Following the example of many small rural school districts around the country, Wray School District RD-2 will cut its annual energy costs and teach students about renewable energy by harvesting local wind resources.

California consumers flex power to save energy

The state of California responded to the 2000-01 energy crisis with a public outreach program that made consumers partners in managing energy consumption.

Breakthrough heat pump delivers when mercury drops

A new concept in heat pumps may turn air-source technology into the hottest thing in cold climates.

Western welcomes new customers

Native American tribes and municipalities are among the new customers that signed 20-year contracts with Western to purchase clean, affordable hydropower.

Basin Electric joins pilot project to marry wind, hydrogen

An innovative pilot program brings wind energy and hydrogen fuel together to show that an intermittent fuel resource can live in harmony with storage and distribution.

Radio show helps Minnesota utilities promote conservation

Willmar Municipal Utilities and Kandiyohi Power Cooperative teamed up to talk about energy efficiency on “Open Mic,” a local radio show.

Western, customers cope with record drought

Flexible contracts, conservation and efficiency and interagency cooperation help Colorado River Storage Project Management Center keep the power flowing through six years of severe drought.

Demand response keeps electricity reserves up, costs down

Northern California Power Agency and its member utilities experiment ask customers to reduce power use when the demand is highest and electricity is most expensive.

Western helps utilities keep lights on in all weather

With winter in the air, it is time for utilities to review emergency plans and make sure their nearest Western line crew’s phone number is handy.

New Energy Services fact sheets give gift of energy savings

Look online, not under the Christmas tree, for a package of new and updated fact sheets online to help utilities and their customers save energy and money all year ‘round.

Topics from the Power Line
Software calculates energy savings for window replacement

A utility looks for a simple program to determine the energy savings potential of window replacements and the payback in years.

Energy shorts
  • Webcast series highlights renewables guidebook
  • Bills contain renewable energy incentives
  • WECC to host green tag tracking system
  • Governor signs California solar energy funding bill
  • Western seeks Energy Services specialist

Technology Spotlight
Replacing Motor-Generator Sets for Efficiency

Industrial customers may get significant energy savings by replacing a common equipment set with an energy efficient alternative.

Calendar of events

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