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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,
(720) 962-7419

Billings, MT:
John Pankratz,
(406) 247-7392

Loveland, CO:
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
Mary Oretta,
(602) 352-2462

Folsom, CA:
Dave Christy,
(916) 353-4490

Salt Lake City, UT:
Dave Bennion,
(801) 524-5506

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
the telephone number is (720) 962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Kevon Storie

Web technician:
Tiffani Chopko

IRP helps Arkansas River Power Authority plan for future generation

A Western customer uses integrated resource planning to predict its future energy requirements and incorporate renewable resources to help meet the need.

Rosebud turbine leads way for development of Native wind resources

The May 1 dedication of the nation's first tribal-owned and -operated, utility-scale wind turbine launched the first stage of large-scale Native American-owned renewable energy development across the Great Plains.

Irrigation pilot project could yield fountain of water, energy savings

A joint project in eastern Colorado brings together growers, government agencies and energy suppliers to collect data from a total irrigation water management program.

California universities share lessons learned from building PV systems

Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Calif., and California State University, Hayward, gain valuable experience incorporating renewable energy into campus facilities.

Licensing proposed hydro project keeps SMUD's options opened

Sacramento Municipal Utility District saves ratepayers money by applying to relicense a pumped storage facility it hasn't built yet.

Missouri River Energy Services practices energy efficiency it preaches

By making its new, 25,000-sq.-ft. headquarters as energy efficient as possible, Missouri River Energy services shows its member utilities that it knows how to take its own advice.

Converting to electric heat earns big savings for Kansas City school district

A partnership between the Kansas City, Kan., Public School District and the Kansas City Board of saved the school district thousands in annual operating costs and made classrooms a more comfortable place to learn.

Waverly manager's bright idea leads to bio-friendly transformer oil

A toxic lubricant spill gave Glenn Cannon the idea for a soy-based product that protects the environment and prolongs the operating life of transformers.

Initiative creates one-stop resource for green power information

A partnership of renewable energy stakeholders launches a Web site that will help electric co-ops, municipal utilities and tribal utility authorities to increase their use and promotion of renewable energy technologies.

Western says goodbye, good luck to retiring employees

Western looks back at the many contributions of Energy Services managers Bob Parkins of our Sierra Nevada region and Stephen Szarka of the Desert Southwest office who retired September 30.

Topics from the Power Line:
Research, software programs best way to determine transformer sizing

Accurate information from testing and research tools help Utilities make better decisions about transformer sizing of residential distribution loads.

Energy shorts
  • Historic perspective helps today's energy dilemmas
  • DOE to fund tribal development of clean energy
  • Riverside expands solar rebate to single-family homes
  • Wind power program sells electricity for a penny a kilowatt-hour
  • New ethanol plant creates jobs, market for Iowa farmers

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